I dont know if this has been thought of yet, but I thought it would be a great idea. BYOND DM Guide ALONE is around 225 to print.
I was wondering if BYOND staff members ever thought about turning it into a book in which, you pay like, 10 dollars to get it shipped to you.
Yes I know some people will say "Its Free Online" or "I can print it!"
Well you know some of us go to school, and some of us go to work, and some of us do stuff..... and sometimes theirs not a computer around, young upcoming developers I would suggest making Booklets of BYOND's DM Guide and Reference. Mayby with even practice problems or something.
And Printing 225 pages....I dont think so...
Well if no one else agree's I would pay a little 10 dollars to get a booklet.
Also think of how it would help BYOND! The $$$!
![]() Oct 9 2008, 8:25 pm
OkI searched up BYOND Booklet in Games AND Resources and didnt get anything.... =P, but can you tell me where I can get this fine book?
The 'Blue Book' as we called it was a print version of the current DM Guide minus the 3.0+ stuff. It became very outdated and eventually stopped being sold. It's far easier to keep online information current with an evolving language.
I think Tom could bring in some extra bucks by releasing a new and improved book - it might justify spending some extra time documenting BYOND's neat and quirky things, too!
If y'all came out with a new book with expanded documentation, I'd buy one as long as it was less than fifty bucks. |
PirateHead wrote:
I think Tom could bring in some extra bucks by releasing a new and improved book - it might justify spending some extra time documenting BYOND's neat and quirky things, too! Agreed, but $50!? Must be retardproof at that price. I would pay $35 for a nice looking(colorful) fun to read book with 300-350 pages. If not, well, it wont take my money! |
I think I bought mine somewhere around $15.
I still feel jipped, everyone else got theirs autographed. Still, there's no point in updating the Blue Book, not for a while anyway (BYOND 5?) it's just not worth the time for so little money. |
I'd buy a fresh release with all of BYOND 4.3 / 5.0 (including skins and everything around it) as well for up to 20$ [and be it just or the cult status :p].
Might as well make a good impression on the planned news release, mentioning BYOND has an own printed "programmers guide" [and as a sideeffect would help to update the online guide]. Including a little CD with ressources (like some graphics, sounds, libraries and demos) could help selling the book. Maybe a little poll on how much people would be willing to spend on that? |
Flame Sage wrote:
I think I bought mine somewhere around $15. Someone needs to do some recalculating. The player base is alot bigger then before. All it would need is some fancy new name like "Blue Book II" and a list of cool new features, it would sell. Have it advertised as an alert or whatever on this site, it would do good. P.S. I'd buy. I personally think $10-20ish seems reasonable. *Shrugs* |
Schnitzelnagler wrote:
Maybe a little poll on how much people would be willing to spend on that? I don't think that's really necessary - they ought to charge a good deal for it if they put a lot of extra work into it, which I believe would serve them and us better in the end than just printing and binding the online documentation. The original book had funny footnotes. If the new book was similarly thought-out, I think they could easily get people to pay your aforementioned $35. |
I'd pay up to £30 for it, which is about $50-ish. I would love to have the book in hand sometimes; would also help me promote DM to fellow Electronics Engineers if I could give them something to skim through rather than having to download a load of stuff and read through demoes.
But it'd have to include all the new skin stuff; that's the bit I'm struggling with most nowadays! ~Ease~ |
Ease wrote:
"I'd pay up to £30 for it, which is about $50-ish." Ok about the price if this ever happens, really if its just gonna be a black and white 'how-to' like the old one then it s not worth much more if at all different than the old one. Updated info is a must if they even plan to sell it so it would not be an outstanding feature. By similar products I have here a full color fun to read with lots of images 300-310 page book. Its about a gamedesign type program, tells you 'how-to' with different game projects and design elements. Cost me $30 with shipping. Now I have other programming books about languages and they run along the lines of $30-$35 but they pack around 350-805 pages BUT they are colorless. So really, ideal would be something like the first example. 300-350page Full color, Lots of images/examples/elements 'how-to' game design using DreamMaker and sell it around $25-$35. Personally I dont mind a higher price, BUT unlike me not everyone can just shell out some cash, so thats where you have to kinda decide on what price is best for the mayority of consumers. |
Bragging Rights wrote:
If y'all came out with a new book with expanded documentation, I'd buy one as long as it was less than fifty bucks. A decent book could easily go for $50 and needn't be retard-proof. I don't believe these "retards" would easily follow a book on x86 Assembly but, if you've ever been interested in really learning it, you might be looking at shelling out well more than $50. And to comment on something else, particularly this: I would pay $35 for a nice looking(colorful) fun to read book I would probably be scared off by this. These $30 how-to books that are bright and colorful never seem to have the quality of other programming books. Regardless of the age group of most of BYOND's users, it would be a shame to see the official manual to DM turn out like those "Learn Programming for Teens!" books, and that ultimately would turn off older, more mature users. A more professional book, though, might be able to attract new older programmers. |
Kuraudo wrote:
A decent book could easily go for $50 and needn't be retard-proof. I don't believe these "retards" would easily follow a book on x86 Assembly but, if you've ever been interested in really learning it, you might be looking at shelling out well more than $50. Dont throw me a huge curve ball please, first, thats assembly, second, look at the amount of data(pages) it has. But mainly its because its covering something really really unique,etc. Try find that old compiler 'how-to' book. its like $120. Now do make a more succesful comparison. A more common language or BYOND's competition. Any language book's are mostly $30-$35 you can check in amazon. I buy mine from there. Have payed anywere from $20-$35 including shipping. And to comment on something else, particularly this: Older programmers or programmers at that wont really have much use of a book, because they know how to do things already.Mostly. The aim is New-to-Intermiediate BYOND users ,that (ima pull this one out of the air) are at the age 12-19 mainly. A colorful,enjoyable full of game design example book is more atractive to. Also why limit to just one book? There can always be more aimed at diferent audiences. I suggest starting with the colorful,game oriented one first. Then maybe a more advanced black and white book, that teaches other things,optimizations,etc. Ofcourse this does not have to happen right away, as most point out BYOND 5.0 . What the heck is BYOND 5, btw? |
Kaioken wrote:
Bankai Coding for Dummies! Not to be disrespectable as you have been to everyone that is interested in this thread, but could you read the topic of discussion and either share your input on it or dont, at all. SPC Gonzo |
I have this thing, on my bookshelf..
It's a book.. and it's blue...
It has the BYOND logo on it...
It's "The Dream Maker: Designer's Guide to Worlds BYOND"
Really, search before you post next time.