view(9)<<"The Hollow has destroyed [usr] and returns to its box" = 0
usr.race = usr.choosenrace
usr << "You try to contain the hollow"
usr.containhollow = 1
view(9)<<"[usr] has absorbed the hollow into himself"
usr.race = "Hollow"
usr<<"You start to feel strange"
view(9)<<"The Hollow has destroyed [usr] and returns to its box" = 0
usr.race = usr.choosenrace
usr << "You try to contain the hollow"
usr.kills += 1
usr << "The hollow is to strong for you to contain and it kills you"
usr.maxhealth = 0
view(9)<<"[usr] got vanquished trying to contain the Hollow"
usr<<"Nothing happens"
It wont send u to dead zone cam someone help me please?
Oct 12 2008, 8:09 am (Edited on Oct 12 2008, 3:45 pm)
Oct 12 2008, 7:42 pm
Where in the code does it say to send you to death zone?
In response to Isharu
it doesnt say take u to death zone it says it destroys you when u aborb it if ur weak but it takes ur health to 0 like if i had 1000 health and i absorb it it takes it to zero i want it to destroy you sending u to death zone
In response to Christopher52488
im trying to figure that out myself
In response to Christopher52488
Wanna try using proper english? >.< I don't understand what you're asking :\
In response to Mizukouken Ketsu
Chris/CharmedP3... Although it is a nice concept. That actualy Hollow is an inpracticality. In Both Charmed Games and in the Charmed Show itself. Can it be made to wrok and work properly? Perhaps... But should it be included in the game? No. It is far to abusable and it is just a bad concept in general for games. As well as the fact that it cant do what the Real Hollow could do. It loses its actual purpose. For the same reason that The Nexus is not added anymore(Besides the fact that it was destroyed in the show) It is just not a pratical thing to have within Charmed Games. It is Abusable and there are just not enough players to use it. It is more of a Role Play item anyway. If you insist on trying to add The Hollow as a part of your games i suggest making it a rank. In which case you can give the extra powers and skills and control who gets it. And it can be given Role Play-ly. In that manner. If the player is two weak, Use a Admin or Owner verb to kill them and This cuts back on abuse and actually incourages Role Play.
First: Try to put \
and \ Second: You're posting the wrong code here. I'm going to assume the code that sends your user to the dead zone is located in your death check. If that is the case, please include your death check code here. If that is not the case, then you haven't told the game to send the player to a dead zone and as such the game isn't doing to do so. Programming languages rarely like to do what you want them to do without you telling them explicitly (however they love to do what you don't want them to do because you're not telling them explicitly enough what you do want them to do) If you realize you haven't told the game to do that and don't understand how then you can find an example on how to send a player somewhere if you take a look at Move() and locate() in the DM reference. |