Applicable Configuration:
BYOND Version:429.999
Operating System: Windows XP
Web Browser: firefox
Game/Hub(s): hub://megelic.NarutoShinobiDestruction
Video Card (for graphics bugs):

Descriptive Problem Summary:
when i open the map on the list for turfs if there's no icon for a turf it becomes a special icon(nara symbol thing)

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1.Opening the map

Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:

Expected Results:
The turfs without icons not showing a icon
Actual Results:
The turfs without icons appear with a icon
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Everytime
In other games? Didn't test in others
On other computers? Dont know
In other user accounts? Dont know

When does the problem NOT occur?
before i coded my last update

None known right now
It's because you set the turf types default icon to that; it's not a bug, you silly goose.
In response to Jeff8500
Thanks sorry I'm kinda stressed out and stuff so I'm kind of going crazy and stuff.