Nov 8 2008, 3:16 pm (Edited on Nov 8 2008, 11:33 pm)
Solved, thanks
In response to Jeff8500
Thanks for the helps, fixed and yeah, I'm new to coding and I'm still learning, thanks man ;)
objbuild probably isn't a list then.
and another problem is that the key stays after it creates a new char.
Because runtime errors stop the proc, and a runtime error occurred above it.
Really, though, that code is, quite literally, crap.
1) Never use goto, for() and while() are better.
2) Why the heck do you have a while() loop where you don't need one? A simple if() (or perhaps nothing) would suffice there.
3) Your little if "<" in name won't do jack. You obviously don't know anything about the in operator; look up findText().
4) If you don't let people put HMTL in their name, why are you encoding it?
5) What is the if(name==null) name = 0 junk? Learn what a false value is; that isn't necessary.
Read the DM guide, please. Coming out of the ZBT's I didn't even program this poorly.