In response to Alathon
When I Help people with there coding I simplify it so that novice coders can understand it more better, you do know the age of the BYOND players is around 10-25, so the younger ones can't really understand the coding all to well, and for this case, I've figured out my coding error.
Just quit posting on here trying to correct me O.K. it's pointless..
Yes, I did help that other guy out I helped him out and gave him my contact information in case he had more problems, I have no problem in helping others with there errors, I know the forum is "Code Problems" as in people having problems coding..I like to help others with there coding when I have the time to. I don't care if they contact me asking for more help, if they need it I'll give it..
For you're information I learned how to code by people helping me code the same way I help others, you might not find it acceptable, but they'll learn from there mistakes and memorize the coding errors and know how to fix them in future problems.

One more thing, quit trying to be the smart guy here.
I don't see why you don't understand what I'm telling you; Let me say it in an orderly fashion; People learn how to code at there own pace, and they do it the way there accustomed to so they understand it, I try to help to the best of my abilities. I like helping people learn how to code. I have been teaching a lot of my friends how to code the same way I did and if you want to talk bad about my coding have fun, I code my way; the way I like to.
In response to Jeff8500
Jeff8500 programmed:
>             while(!(Move(rand(1,world.maxx),rand(1,world.maxy),ZLEV)) sleep(0)
> //find a place to move the object, and move it there

Note: You can get such statements (while(),if()) to compile without anything actually indented under them by putting a semicolon after it. sleep(0), like an empty sleep() actually still always sleeps the proc for a certain time (see its Reference entry if you want more info), so it's not really a 'do nothing' kind-of statement. >_>
In response to Gizhy
Not good enough for hosting a game with more than approximately 15 players. And even that, would probably lag depending on the game.
In response to Gizhy
Like you said, this is mainly composed of people with ages between 10-25, so please, do them a favour and keep your profanity down.
In response to Gizhy
It's better to explain in detail how to do something right than to hand them some bad code.
In response to Andre-g1
I have a pretty good computer my games don't lag I was positive it was the source.
In response to Gizhy
The quality of your computer generally doesn't have anything to do with lag when hosting games over the internet (unless it's a -really- bad computer), and has everything to do with your internet itself. All games lag to some extent, some just more than others depending on your upload speeds, distance from clients, etc.

But regardless, if you're hosting the game on your own computer and connecting from your own computer (which I'm assuming you are), and still getting connection failed, then you can just ignore any advice on checking internet speeds anyway...
In response to Ephemerality
Well, I know I can host, my servers don't lag I know my lag was from my games source. In any case I fixed it already.
First: This, unlike many other posts is not a rant about your code.

I see your code includes this:

This is an infinitely recursive function that eventually will crash (because when you call a proc from another proc or from the same proc, the game keeps information about procs until they return, so there is a limit to how many procs you can call like this).

Does the problem still occur if you replace that code with this?
In response to Immibis
Come on man....this topic has been over for the longest time I figured out my errors myself, a runtime error was shutting my game down, now stop posting here.
In response to Gizhy
I looked through this thread and didn't see any solution...
In response to Immibis
Because I figured it out myself.
In response to Gizhy
Gizhy wrote:
Because I figured it out myself.

Then it might be helpful to have edited that into a previous post, like the OP post or your last one before. So that people who visit the topic with the intention of helping you don't waste their time.
In response to Immibis
Wouldn't it be better to use a while() loop there instead of a for() loop. I always looked at it like this... "while the game is running..." and then "for every...".
In response to Alathon
Well it'll also help if you QUIT posting here obviously...
In response to Gizhy
I have no idea what your deal is, but you can lose the attitude right now.
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