In response to Dragonn
Dragonn wrote:
Yea. By zeta rip I hope you mean graphics only. Because every bit of code is original.

The guild does not tolerate theft of any sort. And regardless, you just so happen to have a series of graphics from the most widely available source code in existence, even if you replaced the graphics I would make darn sure you actually have changed all the code.

As a prior owner of a zeta based game i can assure you I have that as an art. So if you want to try and remove content that is not allowed, please do and I would be so thrilled to include your game among those listed as original. However I am so very knowledgeable of the zeta source code, I have noticed that your game has a lot of its own code though, I dont want to discourage you In any way, but the front page does mean you made it completely yourself. So when the day comes that you say your ready to be reviewed for front page, do not let me find something that says otherwise, because I dont like getting my hopes up for nothing.
In response to Masterdan
"even if you replaced the graphics I would make darn sure you actually have changed all the code."

All one would have to do is login and play and you can tell the gameplay, verbs, tabs, features, and everything else you can think of are totally different than Zeta or any other game. I am not saying login and play. I am just stating in general that anyone who does can clearly see that nothing is the same, and few things are similar. The entire concept and system of the game is different than zeta as well. Also if you were to look at just a mob's variables in the edit verb, you would clearly see there is no comparison either, not even in the slightest.

The only thing that is the same is graphics. And you may find a few similar features, but the way they are pulled off is so different that you can see instantly it uses different coding.
In response to Dragonn
Dragonn wrote:
"even if you replaced the graphics I would make darn sure you actually have changed all the code."

All one would have to do is login and play and you can tell the gameplay, verbs, tabs, features, and everything else you can think of are totally different than Zeta or any other game. I am not saying login and play. I am just stating in general that anyone who does can clearly see that nothing is the same, and few things are similar. The entire concept and system of the game is different than zeta as well.

The only thing that is the same is graphics. And you may find a few similar features, but the way they are pulled off is so different that you can see instantly it uses different coding.

I did log in earlier and I did notice the systems seem to be different. Im just telling you that you cannot get frontpage status until the graphic side of the game is made by you or your team. I recomend hiring a pixel artist if you want to do this, but remember I've seen graphics that I myself drew, so given this fact I just want you to know that you should be as honest as possible if you do tell me that the offending graphics have been redone, that is all. Im not insulting your game in any way, but the frontpage is supposed to be a rank for those who are rolemodels but also for those who want to be protected by the guild, and part of that means that everything in that game has to be from the staff of that game and nowhere else, because essentially as a frontpaged game you are able to seek action if somebody steals graphics from you.
In response to Masterdan
Noted. Coding a game on byond is nothing compared to getting original graphics for it. I could code a game on here in my sleep almost, but making a graphic of any quality on my own is extremely tedious, and getting a bunch of other people to do it turns out very bothersome, due to inconsistency, low quality, or whatever else..

I see the point. But these are just my comments regarding the situation.
In response to Dragonn
Dragonn wrote:
Noted. Coding a game on byond is nothing compared to getting original graphics for it. I could code a game on here in my sleep almost, but making a graphic of any quality on my own is extremely tedious.

I see the point. But these are just my comments regarding the situation.

I understand how you feel, however since you have a well established game I think it is more than reasonable to assume you could find somebody to help you with graphics? You know I didnt do most of the graphics of my game, but you have placeholders already and could easily work on getting them redone. On top of that the quality of the game would increase quite a bit if you found somebody who could do significantly better work than the old Zeta standard.
In response to Masterdan
True. But I've pretty much taken a backseat on development of the game. I no longer feel motivated to do a nearly complete graphics overhaul. Well, going to bed. Thanks for the clarification on how the guild system and stuff works. I'll sort the rest of it out when/if the time comes. Its useful to know the factors that determine a game's popularity anyway.
In response to Masterdan
Masterdan wrote:
I understand how you feel, however since you have a well established game I think it is more than reasonable to assume you could find somebody to help you with graphics? You know I didnt do most of the graphics of my game, but you have placeholders already and could easily work on getting them redone. On top of that the quality of the game would increase quite a bit if you found somebody who could do significantly better work than the old Zeta standard.

Even with a popular game, finding a decent pixel artist is a very daunting task, especially with someone with the reputation for owning a rip. Speaking from experience, I know how difficult it is to find quality pixel artists; me and Mendon tried to break out of having ripped graphics at least twice with Breed of Destruction and Dawn of Desolation, but ultimately it's nearly impossible for the average person to find pixel artists that are dedicated to their work and good at what they do. Mob artists who can produce quality work and turf artists in particular are very hard to find.
In response to Masterdan
Masterdan wrote:
The guild does not tolerate theft of any sort.

Considering the entire basis of your guild is theft, I think that might be a bit of an overstatement. You may not tolerate theft from other BYOND games, but that's about it.

EDIT: And, based on your own submission guidelines; his game should be allowed.
"(This means that WOTS,Jinketsu,Zeta and BSOC rips are technically allowed)

2. Games that are rips but are accepted due to the negligence rule mentioned above are only to be accepted if noticeable amounts of changes are made. Sources that simply have the GMs switched around are not going to be accepted into the guild so please don't even try to apply until the game has some distinguishable features."

Dragonn wrote:
All one would have to do is login and play and you can tell the gameplay, verbs, tabs, features, and everything else you can think of are totally different than Zeta or any other game.

On the contrary, simply logging in to your game makes it appear to be a direct rip of zeta. You use the zeta icons, the character creation is remarkably similar to zeta's, you have the same tired old "meditate" and "train" verbs, which are basically just free AFK training for players. Skills seem to be handled in relatively the same manner as zeta. Stats do seem to be handled differently. Though, you could just be displaying them as %s in the stat panel and still having all the internal calculations work zeta style. The only other noticeable differences are the attempt at an interface and the map/building system. Other than those few differences your game seems to be just another (heavily) modified zeta rip like all the rest.
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