10) Mario 64
9) Super smash bros. Melee
8) Crash Bandicoot 3
7) Resident Evil 4
6) Grand theft auto: Vice city
5) Oblivion
4) Halo 3
3) Call of duty 4: Modern Warfare
2) Zelda: Majora's mask
1) Zelda: Ocarina of time
1. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3) - Best story, graphics, music, and controls. Multiple ways to approach the gameplay. Even comes with free (laggy/glitchy/buggy) online, sadly MGO pales in comparison to MGS4. This is hands down the best game ever made.
2. Hitman: Blood Money (PS2) - If you were an assassin, this is how it would play out. Aside from somewhat limited interaction with environmental objects, doors that magically close, and NPCs that can unlock any door they want, I have no complaints about this game. 3. Star Ocean: The 2nd Story (PS1) - Favorite RPG of all time, awesome battle system, sprited characters mixed with 3D environments, interesting story with multiple endings and multiple characters to choose from, and in-depth character development and item creation systems. 4. Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2) - Though they nerfed some spells since KH1, and the story was utterly weak compared to KH1's; The battle system was amazing, from its easy to use controls, flashy effects, and the reaction trigger, this game has one of the most fun battle systems I've ever played. This is one of the few games I can remember staying up to play, and then waking up again; only to turn it right back on. 5. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1) - Probably the best 2D side scroller I've found. One of the few games I've played through multiple times. From great animations, to smooth controls, this game plays like a 2D side scroller should. It also has somewhat depthy leveling and equipment systems. And encourages exploration by awarding you with new powers that actually effect gameplay in significant ways. 6. Lord of the Rings: The 3rd Age (PS2) - An awesome RPG, though your party consists of random noobs instead of actual characters from the LotR (don't ask me why!). I'd have to say my favorite parts of this game were the special skill based combat system, the equipment system that actually effected appearance, and the special effects; which made it look like your screen was exploding any time anything happened during battle. I actually played this game before seeing the movies, and a short time into it, after realizing how epic it was, I went out and spent 90 some dollars to get the movies before ruining them in the game =P The only problem with this game is the final run through the battle at minis tirith, which is insanely tedious; a battle every 2 steps. 7. Final Fantasy 7+ (excluding 10-2) (PS1-PS2) - I never really got into any of the games before 7, not even their remakes. 7 was the 2nd RPG I ever played and it was so epic it got me addicted to them. FF Tactics was also a great game even though it doesn't exactly fit the RPG genre. All of them since 7 have been equally as good (except maybe 9). And as I said, exclude 10-2, as that was a horrible excuse for a final fantasy game. 8. Zelda Series (Nintendos) - The best action/adventure/RPG series out there. Crafty puzzles, lots of items, engaging stories, what more could you ask for? Twilight Princess is the pinnacle of this series in graphics and gameplay, however I much prefer the story of OOT. 9. X-men Legends 2 (PS2) - This is what dungeon crawler games should be. An actual combat system, depth to character development, nice graphics, destructible environments, looted equipment, easy to use controls and HUD, a decent camera, and a few AI helping you out (or friends if you actually have any =P). Plus it lets you play as the x-men, good times. My only complaint about this game is that equipment doesn't provide any visible changes to characters, but, eh, they're they x-men, so it doesn't even matter. 10. Phantasy Star 4 (Sega) - A great little RPG, the best of any Phantasy Star game, the story is one of the best from any RPG I've played. The most annoying problem i this game is how you have to select all your team's actions before the turn begins; I hate turn based systems like that, as they usually lead to unintentional actions. However, they have a "macro" system to help avoid this problem. Honorable Mentions (in no specific order): * Portal (PC) - Interesting computer lady, fun for about 3 hours, end. * CoD4 (PC) - Has great graphics, and every system in it is polished to perfection. But the gameplay is standard to any FPS game. * Spider-Man 2 (PS2) - Swinging around the city is awesome, but not much else is offered by this game. * Harvest Moon (SNES) - Best of the HM games in my opinion, offers practically infinite play time, the only problem is that said play time becomes increasingly repetitive. * Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (PC) - This game was clearly designed for co-op, and it does a decent job. The only problem is that it lags like hell, which makes it nearly impossible to play the game properly. Still, it features great AI (both your AI partners, and the enemies) and a somewhat decent character customization system. * Rogue Galaxy (PS2) - A great RPG with a story reminiscent of Treasure Planet. The battle system provides some great real-time RPG action, and the entire cast has great voice acting throughout the game. * DBZ: Budokai 3 (PS2) - Awesome fighter, fancy special effects, unbalanced characters, but balanced combat, a lot of extra features to explore. The best DBZ game ever released, though that's not saying much. * Crysis (PC) - Pwn Graphics (if you can handle them), fancy super suit, cool story after the aliens arrive. Too bad it ends shortly after (with an epic boss battle) and leaves you hanging. * Most games involving Mario (Nintendos) - Mario? 'nuff said! * Chrono Trigger (SNES) - I played the SNES version of this game twice, the PS1 version of it once, and now I might play it again on the PSP. Story, characters, graphics, gameplay, everything about this game is top notch. * Oblivion & WoW (PC) - Though these 2 aren't really of the same genre, they both draw you in to expansive worlds, that you could probably play around in forever if you wanted to. The only problem with them is that the gameplay is somewhat boring. At least oblivion offers a story and some nice graphics; too bad the same can't be said about WoW, various quests are the closest thing it offers to a story, and the graphics look like they got hit by Chernobyl. Grind, Grind, Grind, Yay! * GTA:SA (PS2) - Good game, has a lot of depth its systems, and a good story. This is the only good GTA game that I've played, though I haven't played them all. (and yes, I've played 4, it sucked) EDIT: @ Maggeh, MGS4 doesn't use a camera like RE4's. MGS4 has a standard 3rd person camera, which you have full control over. When aiming it does switch to a camera somewhat similar to RE4's, and it also gives you the option to switch to FPS mode. |
Falacy wrote:
EDIT: @ Maggeh, MGS4 doesn't use a camera like RE4's. MGS4 has a standard 3rd person camera, which you have full control over. When aiming it does switch to a camera somewhat similar to RE4's, and it also gives you the option to switch to FPS mode. http://ps3media.ign.com/ps3/image/article/821/821361/ metal-gear-solid-4-guns-of-the-patriots--20070920004501473_6 40w.jpg Oh hai. |
Maggeh wrote:
http://ps3media.ign.com/ps3/image/article/821/821361/ metal-gear-solid-4-guns-of-the-patriots--20070920004501473_6 40w.jpg Yup, that's what you get when aiming in 3ps mode, most of the game isn't in that camera though. |
... and it's the same way with Resident Evil 4 and Gears of War and most games that use an over-the-shoulder camera angle. It's rather ridiculous to think that you'd go through the entire game like that.
Popisfizzy wrote:
... and it's the same way with Resident Evil 4 and Gears of War and most games that use an over-the-shoulder camera angle. It's rather ridiculous to think that you'd go through the entire game like that. In GoW the camera stays exactly the same throughout the entire game; aside from when in cover, and having it get slightly closer when zooming in with certain weapons. In RE4 the camera also follows directly behind you for the entire game, simply giving you the zoomed over-the-shoulder when aiming. In MGS4, however, for majority of the game, you have complete control over the camera. The over-the-shoulder view is only used when aiming. |
10.Pokemon leaf green,ruby, sapphire etc..(GBA): I loved this classic RPG a few years ago. Despite its graphic limitations, and constant grind, it always has a place in my heart.
9. Ninety nine nights(Xbox 360): This game is a little buggy(mostly if you already have a save file, and complete another characters missions, you have to keep making new save files or it erases your previous save files), but it has amazing graphics, game play, and story. 8.Mario kart wii(self explanatory): The prequels to this game were fun, but the motion control steering topped it off for me. I love every minute of this game, and its driving simulation type game play. 7.Crazy Taxi(Dreamcast): I had a lot of fun with this game, but as a child I could never finish it. Still a great game though. 6. Parrapa the rapper(Ps1,ps2): The amazing rhythm had me addicted to this game for months. In my opinion its much better then Guitar hero, or Rock band could ever be. 5.Grand Turismo(series): I played the ps1 games, and look forward to the ps3 game. 4. Animal crossing wild world(DS): This game takes life simulation to a whole new level. I play this game daily trying to get my animals pictures, and pay off my mortgage. 3. Super smash bros. Brawl(Wii):Playing with friends or siblings it amazing in 4 player battle. Online was good too, before it started having horrible lag. 2. Street fighter(series): I really only played the ps1, ps2 title but it had amazing game play. I really look forward to the next release(now if only I can get a ps3). 1. Jet grind/set radio(future)(dreamcast,xbox) The most amazing game I have ever played. This game was way above its time when it release. Each characters was elaborated on extensively, and flashy skating, spray paint only added on to its greatness. I only hope a sequel lands on the current-gen systems. |
Mercution wrote:
1. Jet grind/set radio(future)(dreamcast,xbox) The most amazing game I have ever played. This game was way above its time when it release. Each characters was elaborated on extensively, and flashy skating, spray paint only added on to its greatness. I only hope a sequel lands on the current-gen systems. It was a toss-up between that and War§ow for me, and I listed War§ow because I play it more and I really love Quake-style games. I also hope we get a new Jet game! |
In no particular order:
-Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) - Let's face it, LoZ games haven't successfully employed many novel concepts beyond parallel worlds, and if you like Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess or any other LoZ game that uses this concept, you hav to go back to the game that employed it originally. LttP was also manufactured before the third dimension came and mucked up the entire gaming scene. -Starfox (SNES) - I liked it better before they could speak English. -Prince of Persia; Sands of Time - Do I need to explain? -TimeSplitters; Future Perfect (PS2) - Either I got in on this game long after it's popularity died out, or it never got its time to bask in the sun. If it's the latter, people seriously need to go play this game. -TH3 PLAN (PS2) - Same as above. -Mass Effect (360) - One of few examples where graphics are utilized as a complement as opposed to a crutch. -Ace Combat 5 (PS2) - After successful deployment of comm chatter from AC4 and dazzling environments to fight in at Mach speeds, AC5 is easily the best game of the series. AC6 basically took AC5 and made it multiplayer, which has happened with plenty of other franchises. -X-Wing versus TIE fighter (PC) - Props to PirateHead for taking me way back on this one. -Battlefront (PS2) - I like Star Wars. -Gears of War (360) - One of few examples of recent TPS shooters that I'd actually like to play again. |
Without any order:
Lost Planet - In my opinion really nice graphics CoD:WaW - Nice graphics too Crysis:Warhead - Just because it's better than 1st one Mass Effect - It has really good engine and really long story, also ending bug is nice Portal - Obvious reason Hellgate:London - Some sort of new style RPG Devil May Cry 4 - Nice action fighting game, held me amused to very end Fallout 3 - nice graphics, but kinda too low number of items Elder Scrolls 4:Oblivion - same as Fallout 3 Mirror's Edge - Action Game, really liked it |
1. Descent Freespace - Cool game and an awesome Artificial intelligence
2. Descent Freespace 2 - Same as the above 3. Halo - Fun game and a nice story....too bad halo 2 has bad graphics (for Pc) and i can't play halo 3 since i have no xbox 4. Starcraft and expansion - an awesome strategy game 5. Bleach : Blade battlers 2 - awesome fighitng game for Psx 2 6. Naruto accel 2 - same as above 7. CoD4 : World at war - a nice shooting game 8. Grand Theft Auto series 9. Unreal Tournament series 10. Battlefield series |
Never heard of first two. 3rd isn't nice to me. 4th kinda old. Never heard of 5th, but I'll try it. Played 6th, seemed nice for like 15 mins, then got bored, prefer Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles. Don't like GTA :) Unreal wasn't that good, Battlefield.. Nothing new, only PR mod is nice
But that's just my opinion |
Ripiz wrote:
Never heard of 5th, but I'll try it. Blade Battlers 2nd is a Japanese only game, can't try it unless you have a modded ps2. Its still a pretty good game, even though I never know whats going on =P Played 6th, seemed nice for like 15 mins, then got bored, prefer Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles. I never played accel, but UC was lame as hell, both the first and the second. Battlefield.. Nothing new, only PR mod is nice Nothing new? The battlefield series has some of the most unique gameplay elements of any online FPS game out there (especially 2142). The squad system, leveling up to unlock weapons, customizable kits... Too bad their games are all buggy to the point of not being playable. And I dunno what PR mod is. |
I don't have PS2, but I can use Emulator and it runs everything :) (if it won't bug with specified game).
I didn't like 6th because side fighting games aren't for me. UC appeared to be 3rd person so I liked it. PR is Project Reality, edits game a lot, makes it more fun, including new maps. Haven't seen any bugs with it |
1. Megaman Legends 1 & 2. This game was criminaly unpopular because of its rarity in America. This game was probably the game that got me into reading. It had such an in depth yet age appropriate story it snagged a 10 y/o kid into the game with ease. When you think 3d megaman game would be fail, you've never played this game series before.
2. Driver. Not all the crappy sequels or newer games. This game was completly addictive from the very start and then slapped you with a nice story and followed up for one of the highest replay values ever in a driving game. 3. Crash Bandicoot for PS1. This was so fun when I was a kid. I never played any of the next gen ones but every single one of the crash games for PS1 were amazing. (Yes Crash Bash and CTR as well!) 4. Spyo 1 & 2. Anouther child hood favorite of mine. #3 was a little iffy for me so it won't make my top ten. 5. Ninja Turtles (SNES one). I can't recall the name of it, but I dare say anyone who has played it knows what I'm talking about when I say it was the most amazing multiplayer games for the SNES. 6. Halo. The only reason this is up here is because of its extreme popularity. It's not the greatest FPS but it is a gateway game. Its a perfectly starting place for anyone to get hooked to FPS games and stick with the genre, and because of that it deserves a spot on my top ten. 7. Bloddy Roar. Really fun fighting game that released a series of decent sequels then disapeared off the market suddenly. 8. Command and Conquer series. Again, not the greatest RTS but a gateway game that can get you hooked to the genre. 9. Zelda games. Crazy popular for a reason. Every single Zelda game delivers. (The art work in Windwaker/Phantom Hourglass was a little bad but it still doesn't lack the gameplay that makes a fun zelda game) 10. Valve games. These needed a spot on my top ten. I wouldn't include every valve title in my top ten, but the Valve team lacks no ammount of epic to create amazing games be it the engine, gameplay, design, graphics, or just the story line. (Also really some of the only new age games I play.) 11. Castlevania SoTN. A fusion between the original arcade style castlvania games and the Metriod series, that resulted in one hell of a game (lol pun....) After a recent reapearence from this game on the Xbox 360 market place it redoubles its spot as one of the greatest castlevania games out there. |
Axiom wrote:
8. Command and Conquer series. Again, not the greatest RTS but a gateway game that can get you hooked to the genre. I was a big fan of the original, and had a lot of fun with Tiberian Sun (not the same as Tiberium Wars) as well. The original C&C:RA is now a free download... woot. :-) |
Think I can grab a link to the dowload? Like many of my favorite computer games, the CD is dusty or scratched and no longer works.
Axiom wrote:
Think I can grab a link to the dowload? Like many of my favorite computer games, the CD is dusty or scratched and no longer works. Here's the official download from EA.com: http://www.ea.com/redalert/news-detail.jsp?id=62 Scroll down to the bottom to get the CD ISOs, then either burn them to CDs or use daemontools or acetoneISO or alcohol120% or whatever to install the game. |
Resident Evil 4 - Although I'm a fan of the old Resident Evil games this is by far has the most fun to offer from the series. It sheds the horrible tank controls and crappy camera angles for a more action-oriented 3rd Person View angle (that has since become the standard 3rd person view angle used in such games as Gears of War and Metal Gear Solid 4), while still retaining the tense and incredible atmosphere, even if it's less scary.
Mother 3 - Being a massive Earthbound fan I have to say as a game Mother 3 was better. Mother 3 has better pacing than it's predecessors, and less need to grind, while retaining the colorful characters, goofy and crazy world. I love the beat-based battle system where you can form combo hits for extra damage by hitting the attack button to the each monsters unique beat. The music is downright incredible.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - I don't know what it is about this game, but I just adore it. I realize there's so much wrong with it such as the atrocious combat system, and cliff racers, but it has a great atmosphere. It has a very unique fantasy world, with a lot of history put into it. There's tons of books scattered around, as well as folks to talk to, and some pretty fun quests. I loved the power struggles between the various factions, and there was just so much to it. It was extremely disappointing to see what they did with Oblivion's world reverting it to a completely generic fantasy world, with mostly bland quests lines.
Chrono Trigger - This is probably my most favorite JRPG ever created. Although it has a pretty simply story, it was just so well designed. The battle system, graphics, characters, side quests, and music were just incredibly made. Chrono Trigger's sound track remains to be probably my number one favorite for video game music.
System Shock 2 - One of the scariest games ever made, and it made awesome use of RPG mechanics in a first person shooter. You are tasked with stopping a viral outbreak on the the ship Von Braun, only to realize you were being used as a tool by the A.I. Shodan who has developed a God Complex. Bioshock is in many ways a remake of this right down to a similar story twist. SS2 has what is probably one of the most awesomely hilarious endings ever. It's a crying shame we still haven't got a SS3 yet.
Pokemon Silver - Pokemon Red was one of the best games ever. Catching your own monsters, and making them battle it out, and then evolving them into even more awesome monsters? What's not to love? Pokemon Silver is pretty much Pokemon Red with a lot more added to it, as well as the awesome day/night system that took them years to put back in the series with Diamond/Pearl.
Metal Gear Solid 3 - I love the Metal Gear series, but MGS3 is definitely probably the best of the lot (though I have yet to properly play MGS4). You take the roll of Big Boss, snake's daddy, before he, well, became Big Boss. I love the 60s spy feel to it, the refined controls of the first 2 MGS games, the music, and the boss battles were incredible. I loved all of the misc gimmick stuff they added in such as making Snake throw up if you spin him around in circles in the survival viewer.
Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask- Most people's favorite Zelda is likely to be OOT, but it's little brother is a lot better. This game had an amazing atmosphere with it's creepy cheerfulness with the dread of impending apocalypse in the background. It was just all around the darkest Zelda game made. It had fully fleshed out characters, a town full of them actually, that each had their own unique story to unwrap. The mask system was absolutely godness, I mean who doesn't like turning into a Zora and jamming on a guitar or rolling around as a Goron smashing stuff up? Another thing I loved about the game is the time travel, the thing most people are turned off with. In most Zeldas there's puzzles, simple block pushing puzzles and the like, but the time traveling aspect of MM made the entire game into the puzzle. It is just ridiculous to see how much detail they put in with everything.
Half-Life 2 - An incredible game from start to finish. I loved how you slowly weakened the Combine's grasp on the world until it was a full fledged revolution in the streets. Gravity Gun is one of the best weapons in a shooter ever.
Fallout - Although it did not age too well, it is still an excellent game. You're basically dropped off in the middle of a nuclear wasteland with nothing but the clothes on your back, a pistol, and vague directions to another vault to find a water chip, which ultimately leads you onto a quest to stop a Super Mutant Army from genocidal humanity from the face of the planet. You could literally play this game any way you want, from being a stupid brute smashing stuff with a hammer to being a suave diplomat who talks himself out of situations.