I don't know if anyone else is in the same situation.. Just thought it might be fun to bring up.
I know I made my BYOND key as a much younger guy, and I don't know what went through my mind.. "Nightmare3"? However, all of my BYOND necessities are on this key so it's not like it'd be worthwhile to use a new one.
Is anyone else in the same boat?
![]() Feb 12 2009, 5:27 pm
![]() Feb 12 2009, 5:43 pm
I like my user name, it's short and simple; I use it for everything (where valid, I mix it up on occasion to get a valid name).
Yeah I dont really like my key, Ive never really liked my username but ive used it so long that I dont want to lose it.
I always thought Masterdan implying I was the Master of something (or everything) was a bit egotistical. However I didnt make the name myself and now I wouldnt change it. The usernames I used to go by before one was made for me was DVK, so.. yeah. Can see why I had my friend make up one for me. |
I have no clue when or how I thought up my screenname, but I did, and I'm sticking with it.
I use this key name for almost everything i sign up for, So i like it. No idea how i came up with it though...
I like my key. It's fantastic and considerably unique.
The only annoying thing is someone else has gone and stolen it on websites I'm not a part of =( |
I'm pretty fond of this key, the name 'Alathon' is one I've used since early early times. Its actually stolen from the administrator of a MUD that used to be called Chaosium (later renamed to Static Chaos due to copyright infringement), whose character name was Alathon.
Besides Alathon, I've gone by Zenastil or Dhamon most of the time. Dhamon was the first character I ever created in an online game (an LPC MUD called RealmsMUD) and Zenastil was the first (and primary) character I made in EverQuest, a Gnome Necromancer. I've occasionally considered making a new key as some other individuals have, closer resembling my name - But I don't particularly have a very 'nice' typed out name so M. Grunbaum and Martin G both sound too tacky and ordinary to me. |
They haunt me - stalking me throughout my life. When I sleep, they're in my dreams. When I'm awake, they're at the edge of my vision - those two, terrible letters. 'J' and 'p'.
More seriously, they're just my initials. I sort of like having a key that's so short and sweet. I'm not even sure you can make two-letter keys any more. |
I always feel ashamed to get involved with the community here on BYOND, and I'm afraid that if someone looks towards a game or a demo or something I've produced it just gives them that thought "Nightmare3..? wtf..?".
Furthermore, it doesn't even pertain to me in any fashion. I am no way a nightmare, and I'm certainly not #3. |
Lol, a name means nothing to me, except if it's like, "nub rippah3" or something along those lines.
If I saw a demo/game by you, I'd definitely check it out, as I would with any other person except the previously mentioned. Nice job on your game by the way. |
I wuv my key, it makes me feel manly and secure. Its like a guy having the name Stacey. It takes a real man to have a name like Stacey.
I've been meaning to slowly start transferring over to a new key (which is why I've let my membership lapse), but I'm still sorta connected to this one.
On the plus side, it's never taken, because no one else is dumb enough to misspell it :P It originated back when I playing StarCraft, around 1998 or 2000. Before that, I had used the names DarkWing and DarkIce. I had some strange obsession with "dark", and yet most of the clothes I owned were white/grey :/ Anyways, I was trying to think of a new name since DarkWing was taken, so I flipped the StarCraft CD case over and read "includes campaign editor" or something. Hence DarkCampaigner. For some reason, I ended up misspelling it, which is ironic because I remember I had to keep pulling out the CD case to see how to spell campaign :P Ahh, childhood. I think it's about time I moved on. |
Andre-g1 wrote:
Lol, a name means nothing to me, except if it's like, "nub rippah3" or something along those lines. Thanks, it's always nice to get a little compliment now and again! Doesn't change the fact I'm turned off to see a name like "Nightmare3" haha. |
I don't think the name matters as much as the known skill / prestige of the person behind it.
For example, because I know who Popisfizzy is, I'm more inclined to check out his libraries than I would yours. The reason for that is because Popisfizzy has been active on the forums more, and he's more well-known. I don't consider myself as well-known; while I'm sure that some of the people I know might view a library or game of mine, I'm not too sure that the oldbies of BYOND would take me seriously. As for my key... I like my key, although I do fear it will eventually lose it's meaning. |
I don't really hate my key. Although, I prefer Sky Rider, without the X's, but sadly the name was taken. So I added 2 X's to it. And some people actually gave me credit for coming up with the name. And, I'm not really sure what it means. At first I thought up the name "Sky Dragon" for my DS during late 04, and in 05, someone said "Change it to Sky Rider or something," sounded weird, so I didn't. But when I first signed up on Byond, I thought of that name, and added 2 X's to it.
I remember when I first started to use the computer, like in October 2006, I was signing up for a Pokemon Forum (Pokemon Elite 2000), and I couldn't think of a user name.. So I chose Espeon EX which was kind of dumb.. But whenever it comes to signing up onto things, I pick the most random names! But now, I only use XSky RiderX, and if that name is taken, I try and use a name similar to it. |
I believe that names that people are extremely unoriginal when they add extra letters onto a "base" name like Sky Rider for example, just so they can have their name. It's not your name (anymore anyways...) because it's already taken. Adding letters or numbers to it just makes you that much more unoriginal (eg. Sky Rider -> XSky RiderX). But hey, that's just my opinion. And I've stuck to my opinion for years now. My brother helped me come up with my AIM name, MeluvdaKitteh, I came up with my key (mentioned opinion about it below), and although my nicknames aren't "original" to the world, they are to 90% of BYOND games so far: Kitty, Fluffy (this one I know is near 100%), and Juggernaut Psychobitch (I know I'm gonna get heat for that one, but meh... It's one of my nicknames).
As for my opinion on my key. There are times where I think about how it can be taken a different way than what I chose it for, but I never let that make me hate it or anything. I chose "spunky" because I am very energetic all the time and girl because I'm a girl (go figure xD). And for those thinking about the other meaning my key has... I know! >:O Perverts >_> |