set hidden= 1
winset(src," = false")//Edit this part for me plz so i can understand how to do the others like the InfoButton, Text Button

Problem description:

Is that the right way to open the browser? For the Game Interface? Cause, It dosn't work.. =[ please explain this part with a good exapmle of doing it..
CoolieZaheer wrote:
Is that the right way to open the browser?

No. Press F1 in DreamMaker, and look up the winshow() proc.
In response to Kuraudo
is it winshor or winset?
In response to CoolieZaheer


person - A mob/client who clicked the verb. - The window and id you put the browser in/as.
show - value of 1/0 1 meaning it is visible, 0 meaning hidden.