
Problem description:

it won't let me run the world and i have too much code into it to paste it all, if you know why it won't run please tell me, i compiled and everything, when i click run the page goes white then back, nothing happens.
Perhaps there is a different problem, but I will suppose you have a more common one; you probably have a compile-time error. That will not let you run the game as it can't be properly compiled in the first place - until the error(s) is fixed. Have you looked in the messages area at the bottom of the Dream Maker window...?
Have you had no prior knowledge of compile-time errors? If not, combined with your mention of having too much code, that is a clear indicator of you using a ripped source, which is even worse if you really lack even such basic knowledge. You're not going to get anywhere far with that without learning properly first, and don't expect people to personally guide you through learning the language on the forums, more-so explaining basics like "look at the error window and fix any errors that may be indicated there".
In response to Kaioken
there are no errors
In response to Kyubi742
Real intelligant response, (I just spelt inteligant wrong didn't I?)

It's obvious this person is using a ripped source, which I don't really think is too bad, while it's true using rips can give you bad habits and start you off wrong, I think it eases you into the world of DM much easier than the DM guide.
I myself started with a Zeta Rip (Didn't most of us? :P) And I consider myself, not adept, but good enough to find the problem and fix it when they arise.

Sure people will hate you for it at first, sure you will pick up bad habits, but nothing that can't be forgotten with a little guidance (Schnitzel is going in my will! :O)

To be honest if a player asks me how to program I haft to restrain myself not to say, go and find a source, and study it, copy pieces of code and past them and see what it changes, then try your own.

The main thing I don't like about ripping is when people claim the game as their own. In that lies the problem with byond.

In response to Rushnut
Rushnut wrote:
Real intelligant response, (I just spelt inteligant wrong didn't I?)

Please don't flame other users. If you can't speak with civility on the forums, it's better not to speak.

It's obvious this person is using a ripped source, which I don't really think is too bad, while it's true using rips can give you bad habits and start you off wrong, I think it eases you into the world of DM much easier than the DM guide.
I myself started with a Zeta Rip (Didn't most of us? :P) And I consider myself, not adept, but good enough to find the problem and fix it when they arise.

This part is not moderator-stance, but rather personal stance mixed in a moderator post. Don't start with a ripped source. It does not ease you into DM. If you want that, start with Demos and Libraries, preferably the former. hub://Dantom.YourFirstWorld and hub://Deadron.StepBYOND are good, classic choices. Otherwise, the DM Guide, Reference, and Zilal's tutorials are the way to go.
In response to Kuraudo
Yeah, don't start with any ripped source. I once dealt with Zeta 2 for another person's project (because that's what it used originally before switching to another source...) and it certainly was a mess. There were broken pieces of code that were indeed prevalent at run-time.

In actuality, I got my start from ZBT's tutorials and then some of the other tutorials. I did eventually use some of the guide to learn other material like savefiles. I never once used any ripped source to learn anything.

Demos and/or libraries can, however, teach you if you actually study it (which of course requires some other skills first). I once learned how to create a HUD because I studied from a demo and not directly rip from it.
Obviously one of your loops are infinite, check all of your loops. For(), While(), etc...

Make sure that they have an end. Alot of people use While(1) in world definitions to trigger a respawn event. The same may go for your AI, make sure there's some sort of significant pause.

The best way to debug this is to go into every one of your loops and throw this at the top.

world<<"DEBUG: (name of your proc) [counter]"

May not be the most efficient way to go, but it'll let you know what's out of control at least.