Naruto: Eternal Memories

by Eternal_Memories
Naruto: Eternal Memories
Join various worlds in a battle between the evil and the good!
In response to Naruto0727
At least i said something to try to help the game instead of rage with noobs like me... Somebody can do a game like this?
In response to Goku Volt
Goku Volt wrote:
At least i said something to try to help the game instead of rage with noobs like me... Somebody can do a game like this?

I think you're missing the point, so let me try to explain it. Basically the Game is being attacked, actually the Server it is being hosted on is being Virtually attacked aka DDOS. Basically shutting that internet service down. Making a new game wouldn't change this fact because the kid doing this can do it there too, thus making it pointless because he can keep getting the IP address from joining the game ( it shows it when connecting ) .
So in terms it wouldn't really do anything except waste time. And it's not down because lack of updates, it just isn't being allowed to be put online because it is again being "Virtually Attacked" And there really nothing anything can do.
In response to Naruto0727
You think i dont know right? Im not going to say my idea cuz your going to say : This is useless
In response to Goku Volt
Goku Volt wrote:
You think i dont know right? Im not going to say my idea cuz your going to say : This is useless

I'm not going to say useless, I hear what you want. A new game but that doesn't change anything until this guy stops attacking the servers. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just explaining.
Is there a way to keep them from logging on? That way they wouldn't get the IP address.
In response to Wngl
Wngl wrote:
Is there a way to keep them from logging on? That way they wouldn't get the IP address.

Not that I've ever heard of, it will still connect if even you ban him to the point where the IP is shown.
Wtf happened? Why isn't this game hosted anymore?
Post the host files or something. Like we used to.
Huh, Just started reading, and idk what DDOSing is.. But I doubt every computer can have their server shut down so uhm.. It would probably be a good idea to hand them out....
So.. Continued reading.. The server is being attacked? LOL. If every angry hacker decided to attack a server then no byond games would be up.. There has to be a way around this. I'm sure this kid isn't the only one that can do this.
There honestly isen't a way around it besides buying DDOS protection which is expensive.However Eternal has no intention on updating or working on this game along with the fact that hes really busy with school and life,the best I would say is don't get your hopes for this game
In response to ClaryFairchild
ClaryFairchild wrote:
So.. Continued reading.. The server is being attacked? LOL. If every angry hacker decided to attack a server then no byond games would be up.. There has to be a way around this. I'm sure this kid isn't the only one that can do this.

I'm sorry you don't understand what has been said but what you imply just isn't possible. The server it is being hosted on is being attacked, say here is an example for you. Let's say I'm given the host files, I put the game up. When you open the game it now shows my IP address, now this person can use it to attack me and kick me offline.

You see the cycle in this don't you? So you are in-fact wrong. Every computer that hosts this game can be be attacked because this guy is targeting THIS game. And that would include a hosted server by some random person.

If you took the time to research "DDOS" This is the first thing you will find.

n computing, a denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of efforts to temporarily or indefinitely interrupt or suspend services of a host connected to the Internet.
There's always a way around everything. Just because it isn't easy or right infront of you doesn't mean there isn't a way. I believe this. And I highly doubt Eternal(Or whoever is hosting) has tried everything(free) out there. Like maybe masking your ip address. There are various ways to do this. None of which I remember off hand and only by actually doing it, but I do know this is possible. Now, I'm not saying it will work, and I'm not sure if it will show the masked IP address under Options and Messages(F1 in-game) but that brings me back to having to experiment with it. Now I'm not sure if you mean the HOSTS ip, or what port it's being hosted on but either way there has to be a way around it. I'll do some research and see what I can come up with. Btw, I don't mean this to be rude, and I don't want to pick a fight. I really do like this game and wish only to find the best solution for this problem. So please, If it was your intention to argue about this please don't. If we're to overcome this situation then we need to work together on it. I firmly believe there is a way, or loop hole if you will, around this. Thank you for your cooperation in this, I don't intend to belittle your logic, Just add to it.
In response to ClaryFairchild
BYOND tells the IP of any server, I believe you can get it through the HUB without even using a BYOND Key, so there's no way we can really mask it.

By the way, I've deleted PAKUUN's posts for being extremelly retarded, that guy has brought nothing but useless comments related to his mental issues.

And again, creating a new game would change nothing, you would have to code everything again from scratch (it takes a long time); there's no way we can stop him from getting the IP, he's formed a "community", so any of them can easily give him the IP of any server; and I've looked for ways to stop the DDoS, but it's only given me problems, because the "improvements" on that technollogy haven't gone that far... The programmers seem to be too busy to create something strong against DDoS Attacks, even big sites like Twitter and FaceBook have been tracked down through DDoSers in the past. Plus we don't know who's attacking, it can be Krozy, one of his friends, or anybody who likes being an idiot with no life.
Well no of course not, Creating a new game would be stupid and a waste of time. Exspecially if they ended up DDOSing that one too. Then you'd just feel like you fucked urself. But, I did some research, talked to some people and this is what I've come up with. With DDOS attacks, It overloads your bandwith or something to that effect, So if this game is run off a shell, It's fairly easy to be DDOSed. But you can always ask your shell provider for logs of ips, if not u'll have to set up something that closes current ports. Also, If it's run on a personal computer with a router, The router(I think all maybe some don't? I'm not sure) should manage the amount of bandwidth that passes through it. a router should be fine. Have you tried that? I understand you haven't given out the host files obviously, But some games do have servers on a shell and just have names for who's hosting it. I.. think.. lilgeta? Or maybe something like that used to host, Was that his personal? And also was that when they were DDOSing(When/if he was hosting on a personal computer) or was it after you put it on a shell?(If infact it wasn't to begin with).
Do you think Byond creators could do anything to help or prevent this situation?
In response to Wngl
Wngl wrote:
Do you think Byond creators could do anything to help or prevent this situation?

No, there is nothing they can do. As it's not a BYOND issue itself.
Well here's my thinking about it, You might as well post the host files since Eternal you don't plan on updating it anyfarther, so I hear not sure if these rumurs are true.. But either way, If you give out the host files then maybe someone will be able to figure out a way around it.. and now is the perfect time because it's at a stable version and if multiple people host the game whoever is DDOSing isn't going to want to DDOS 5-10 servers every 5minutes. And having people host and getting shut down is a lot better than not being hosted at all, and like I mentioned in this post, someone might actually figure out a way around this DDOS attacking. The DDOS attackER might even stop.
In response to ClaryFairchild
ClaryFairchild wrote:
Well here's my thinking about it, You might as well post the host files since Eternal you don't plan on updating it anyfarther, so I hear not sure if these rumurs are true.. But either way, If you give out the host files then maybe someone will be able to figure out a way around it.. and now is the perfect time because it's at a stable version and if multiple people host the game whoever is DDOSing isn't going to want to DDOS 5-10 servers every 5minutes. And having people host and getting shut down is a lot better than not being hosted at all, and like I mentioned in this post, someone might actually figure out a way around this DDOS attacking. The DDOS attackER might even stop.

The person attacking the server is clearly out for this game. So more servers or not wouldn't really matter. Like I said there is a way around DDOSing. It's a VPN, which are expensive for the GOOD ones, there are free ones out there but they're not 100% fool proof.
If it's a guy named DragonDescend, did you see his new games? Maybe we can talk with him about all this, ya know, sort it out.
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