I'm bored, I've been playing a lot of Half-life, but I eventually stop playing for a bit every now and then for a small break, I've finished all my homework/coursework and there is nothing for me to do, I feel like messing with DM and I don't want to write a game, but I don't mind writing some sort of library, or some sort of application, does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

I think a good layers library is in order. Just something that can handle jumping around and going under walkways and wires.
In response to Rtbbvr
Rtbbvr wrote:
I think a good layers library is in order. Just something that can handle jumping around and going under walkways and wires.

Sounds nifty, but I found something more interesting to do.

Instead of this mimicing bot:

responses = list()
say(t as text)
if(!(lowertext(t) in responses) && t)
var/r = input(src, "Sorry, I have never heard of that, how should I respond to this?", "Teach me") as text|null

if(t in responses)
src << "HaywireBot: [responses[t]]"

I'm going to write one that actually learns, your idea seems pretty cool too, clearly on my list. :)
In response to Haywire
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:

Heh, your Bot demo was actually my inspiration, didn't know a library existed, just helps all the more,

Thank you :)

EDIT: You should add a test demo in the libraries demo .dm file.
In response to Haywire
I probably should, but this was an ancient and relatively unimpressive project from a few years ago. :P. Not really interested in updating it now.

Have a play, though, see what you can make it do.