Problem description: The idea is that the Fireball object is in a list of spells, displayed in a statpanel. I'm trying to make it so that when you drag it to a certain label within a certain window, or pane, that is displayed within a child of the main interface, the windows change to what I want them to do, using winset. The problem isn't winset, because I know the above commands will work in a Click() proc, but I don't know how, or if it's possible to use MouseDrop to change a window in a custom interface.
Is this possible?
If so, how?
If not, can you recommend a different way(in theory, not in code) that I could make this work? My original intention was to give each object verbs that would set the windows manually, by rightclicking the object, and picking the verb, named to switch whichever window was named. Unfortunately though, the only commands recognized in a list of objects that aren't in usr.contents are Mouse commands.
Thanks again.