for example:
hud_up1(mob/M as mob)
var/A = new/obj/HUD/Stats/Strength/Button
var/B = new/obj/HUD/Stats/Defense/Button
var/C = new/obj/HUD/Stats/Health/Button
if(hud_up == 1)
src.client.screen += A
src.client.screen += B
src.client.screen += C
if(hud_up == 0)
// Problem starts here... i dont know how to delete the current hud that i had added earlier...
what i want it to do is to delete the huds after i'm done with them so thats why i made the var "hud_up", i've searched everywhere and i couldn't find a way how to do this.. the only things that i found were ways how to make huds not delete them.
Dynamic HUDs