I am new to DM and I am going to try to make a game.
I would like to be told the best way to do a few things.

1.Make a Exp type system. (Like you cut the tree and gain 2 Exp)

2.Make a system where when you cut down a tree (obj/tree/oak) it gives the player so much of obj/building/wood.

3.Make a system where when you have a certain object like obj/building/iron_ore in your hand and you click on something like obj/building/smelter you have a box pop up that gives you certain options (I can add these if you include an example) and it can give the player a object.

4. A stats system that works, like you can add Skills like mining and lumbering.

5.A system where you can build a certain object if you have it in your inventory (I made a inventory)

6. A way to add objects in the world to your hand and then to your inventory. (like pick them up) and a way to put them back into hand then drop them to the world.

7. How to make a working HUD with the ability to have two hands (Left and Right) and objects can be in these hands can interact to other objects.

Sorry if some of these don't make sence I have a list of things I want to have in the Exp system/ mining/ lumbering systems.
You are so knowledgeable.
In response to Demon_F0rce
My cat hit enter. I edited it with what I was going to type. Sorry.
Welcome, Novice Programmer!

For your item combination system, I feel like referring you to GECK. It's not the best thing ever, but it's not bad for beginners.

For your EXP, stats, gathering types, and hands, you would use variables.
mob/var/exp //your current exp. Raise it when necessary.
mob/proc/expAdd(n) //a proc with an argument representing how much exp to add.
exp += n

if(exp >= 100) //max exp, to level up
src << "You leveled up!"
exp -= 100

var/resource = /obj/wood
set src in view(1) //verb appears when standing adjacent to the tree
src<<"You chop the tree!"

new resource(usr) //create a new object based on the resource type defined, in usr(which is usr's contents, or the player's inventory)

usr.expAdd(2) //add 2 exp to usr.

Here's a demo on "minning smelting it into a bar then forging into a sword."

Use the search feature next time. All of BYOND's libraries and demos are available to you at all times.
Just don't copy/paste code from anything ever, and you'll be fine.
In response to Kaiochao
Thank you so much. I already read the "Blue Book" just to let you know.
In response to TBleader
You could have just said "how can I make Runescape in BYOND?" and saved yourself a ton of time.

You really should search the website before asking questions. A lot of these, if not all of them, could have been answered with a bit of looking around.
In response to Unwanted4Murder
I am not making runescape...
Ohh i forgot. If anyone wants to make anything called "skills" where you can cut "trees" and "mine" then it is automatically a runescape ripoff.
In response to TBleader
TBleader wrote:
I am not making runescape...
Ohh i forgot. If anyone wants to make anything called "skills" where you can cut "trees" and "mine" then it is automatically a runescape ripoff.

Or a system where you take ore and smith it, or all of the other uncanny resemblences, yeah.
In response to Unwanted4Murder
So a system where to build anything you need the resources to build them is a ripoff to runescape?! I think not.