src.hp -= O.damage
var obj/caboom/BANG = new (O.loc)
viewers()<<"[BANG],[src] ran into a landmine"
del O

then later in code i have

icon = 'boom.dmi'
del src

Problem description:
caboom does not delete :( i like bombs but i still want them to dissapear eventually. please help

In response to Gigimoi
Please don't bump yourself. Someone will come in time.
In response to Neos300
i only bumped because this is all i need to do untill the "engine" works
In response to Gigimoi
Did you try del(usr) instead of just del src
In response to Megelic
Making random suggestions is not helpful. "del src" is the same as "del(src)", and usr would not be valid here.
In response to Garthor
No sorry, I meant del(usr), but nevermind.
The New() proc isn't indented properly. It should be indented so that it's past "caboom", not equal with it.
In response to Megelic
I already stated that usr was not valid here, as it is not a verb.
In response to Garthor
yah i tried usr and it had error