I'm making skills that's set into Statpanel, And I would like to use Marco to activate the skill to attack, and when clicking on different skills the icon on the skill hud will change to that icon, but i don't understand how to start off with the macro.

I want the letter must be "D" to attack is there like a Guide or can show me an example will more help please reply if u understand what I'm talking about.
Make an interface file. Then click the macros click new macro. Key would be "D" command would be "Attack".
In response to Drehdog7
But i want to know how i start off with the coding in the code file.

--There's multiple techniques so i cant just make one macro for one technique;
In response to CoolieZaheer
Well then you should read the DM Guide if you want to learn how to code it. Unless you need help coding an Attack verb.
In response to Drehdog7
For Instance..

I double clicked on the technique i want to use now i Press D for it to do the attack..
What I do for my macroes whenever I program is ... well ... I'm not sure if I did things without noticing to make it work. But I'm fairly sure that if you make an interface file, from there, you would create a set of macroes for only our game.

You assign the letters to the commands you've made, (ie. O to Out of Character, S to Say and what not).

If you can not make an interface file, I suggest looking around. If I recall correctly there should be a guide made by a very valuable person to this community.

EDIT: It's one of the easiest ways, but nothing beats making a few lines of code for it either. It seems equally easy.
In response to Lockem Shoto
That is not what s/he intends to do though.
S/He wants one macro to call a player defined procedure if the player has such a procedure to access.