ID:132786 BYONDHelp?command=view_tracker_issue&tracker_issue=625 is a perfect example.

This link has 4 System Notices each with the message of Nickr5 edited message (Sorry for picking on you Nickr5)

My suggestion is to have 1 System Notice stack up [Times Edited] Of course if someone comments and then they edit again it can restart the cycle.

#4 System Notice
Nickr5 edited message
#3 System Notice
Nickr5 edited message
#2 System Notice
Nickr5 edited message
#1 System Notice
Nickr5 edited message


#1 System Notice
Nickr5 edited the message 4 times.

Which do you think looks better?
I don't even see a point in posting edits as system notices at all. A simple tag at the bottom of the post when it was last edited, like on the forums, would be fine.
In response to Falacy
Exactly. Adding a comment for every edit is pretty spamish and looks ugly when there are multiple edits, like in the linked example. It should be exactly like on forums (also meaning that if you edit a bug report before X amount of time has passed since you posted it, no 'edited' mark is added at all).
If keeping track of each edit's date is somehow important, that could be added to a special log not cluttering up the main page, which could even be for moderators only. Though what the automatic comments were added for might be so edits show up in the "Last activity" column, but if they can't work it around so edits show there without showing as comments on the page, they might as well not include edits there and use an alternative.