ok, well, i have the icons for the stamina and mana bars i will be using for my game, from the max, to 3/4, to 1/2, to 1/4, to low, to empty. I want to make them appear on the top part of my screen. I was told i may have to use two maps somehow. Anyways, here is the code im starting off with but have no idea how to continue.

update(mob/M,hp,mhp)//arguements for the proc (The owner of the Healthbar,the owners hp, the owners maxhp
if(V>=1) A.icon_state="full"
else if(V>=0.75) A.icon_state="3/4"
else if(V>=0.50) A.icon_state="1/2"
else if(V>=0.25) A.icon_state="1/4"
else if(V<0.25) A.icon_state="low"
else if(V<=0) A.icon_state="empty"

If there is a nicer way that i can go about doing this so it actually goes up w/each little percentage chance without me having to painstakingly re-icon every single one, please tell =)

There is a very cool feature known as a "bar" in your "interface" file. More information on interfaces can be found here: DreamMakers?command=view_post&post=33352, and information on creating said bars here:
The power of PEMDAS.
In response to Delra
HP += N
HP = min(HP, MaxHP)
winset(src, "healthbar", "value=[(HP/MaxHP)*100]")
//same as above
exp += N
//while() instead of if() in case you gain enough exp in one go to gain multiple levels
while(exp > maxexp)
exp -= maxexp*/
winset(src, "expbar", ...) compile failed (possible infinite cross-reference loop)
help please?..... i dont know why the expbar is necesary or where i would need to create one..
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:

Well i added it in, and it just kept at the blank meter, and the screen got smaller... this stat bar stuff is the hardest thing ive encountered so far in byond
In response to Darkjohn66
I didn't tell you to copy and paste, those are demo's not libraries. I pointed that out as an example.
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
I didn't tell you to copy and paste, those are demo's not libraries. I pointed that out as an example.

i gave credit =|
In response to Darkjohn66
You need to actually understand what you try to compile, not copy-and-paste stuff from the forum. In this case, there are VERY OBVIOUS portions of that which are meant to be filled in with actual code.
In response to Darkjohn66
What I sent you was NOT to be copy-pasted, whatsoever...

A great place to start for newbies. Read it in it's entirety, and you'll understand why the code didn't work... at all...
In response to Darkjohn66
I don't care if you give me credit or not, but it's no wonder the damn thing doesn't work if you copy and pasted it. That was my point the last post.
In response to Jotdaniel
Ok i finnally got it working. Thank you all for your help i appreciate it.