Event Oct 3 2013, 10:00 pm
to Oct 17 2013, 10:00 pm

Time Remaining!!


Rules and Regulations
Once your game is complete, send a zipped folder with the content to [email protected]. You are expected to send the .dmb, .rsc, a note of your BYOND key, documentation on the use of animate(), and a list of the theme(s) your project uses.

If you miss the deadline by a few hours or so, that's OK, but try to get the game sent in ASAP-- if it took too long, the judges may rule against allowing the entry-- so your best bet is to meet the deadline!

If your project has been altered and we're within the deadline, you can of course re-submit as many times as you wish (we will review the last entry sent unless otherwise specified).

Entries that do not follow the mandatory restriction and use at least one of the themes will be disqualified. If you are unsure as to whether or not your project is in danger of being excluded, please make sure to contact Writing A New One as early as possible. Any doubts should be immediately checked over to avoid time being wasted.

Use of public libraries is perfectly okay, however, all code excluding the libraries must be written from scratch.

All entries must follow the US legislation and be classed as legal. Using materials without the copyright holder's permission, such as art, sound, or stolen code, will result in disqualification.

Mandatory Restriction -- animate()!

All entries must follow this, which is essentially the reason the contest was made--to celeberate BYOND 500 and a big "thanks!" to Tom and Lummox.

The project should make use of animate() and provide documentation on the method used, preferably via a code snippet and commentary. The documentation should be sent within the zipped folder which also contains the game files.


Entries are required to use at least one of the following. Incorporating multiple themes into the project is always a fun challenge and is permitted, but will not result in extra points. Any questions on the themes should be posted in this topic, just in case others have a similar one in mind.

Evolution -- The gradual development of something, esp. from a simple to a more complex form. Both genetics and technology are acceptable.

Play The Villain -- In most video games, we take the role as the protagonist. If you follow this theme, you're to do the opposite for your game -- instead of shooting space invaders, perhaps you'll be controlling them and laying waste to Earth's defenders!

Exploration -- The action of travelling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it. Whether it's a dark dungeon full of treasure, a new galaxy, or even a different dimension, using this theme means taking the player on a journey.

Recent News

Contact the contest organizer via the pager or Skype if you have any questions / enquiries. My Skype SN is askypetochatandstuff.

Any news / changes regarding the contest will be posted on the front page and dated to keep potential contestants in the loop.

30th September--Another donation of $50 from Zane444 puts the total prize fund at $550. Thanks Zane!

28th September-- Very kind donations of $200 from an anonymous user and $100 from Ter13 increased the total prize fund to $500. The prize structure is now: $200, $120, $90, $60, and $30. With five chances to win instead of three, contestants now have much better odds of walking away with a prize!

28th September-- Developers will now have 2 weeks to submit an entry once the contest begins. Any themes and restrictions will be announced one hour before the contest's start.

28th September-- There are now two judges besides myself. They are both respected throughout the BYOND community and should provide good insight into submissions. I am still looking for extra helpings hands, in case schedule problems arise.


Timezone Pending. Will be posted with at least 24 hours notice.

Start date: 10/04/2013 (Friday)
End date: 10/18/2013 (Tuesday)

14 days / 2 weeks to submit an entry

In lieu of the recent release of the very neat client-side animation features that Lummox has provided us with, and partly inspired by the work going on in this thread, I thought that it would be fun if someone hosted a contest to see what BYOND's developers can whip up. While I have little experience in these sorts of things, I'm hoping there will be others willing to pitch in with reviewing entries and the general organization.

The details of the contest are subject to change until it begins. Once it starts, however, things should be concrete unless I find a need to make changes if we believe they're required, such as a rule amendment -- hopefully this shouldn't be an issue.

I am looking for advice / assistance. If you wish to provide feedback or offer yourself as a reviewer / contest organizer, please do get in touch via the pager and I'll reply ASAP. Any help is much appreciated.


Total prize pool: $550

First place: $215

Second place: $135

Third place: $100

Fourth place: $65

Fifth place: $35

BONUS!!: Submissions that myself and the reviewers believe to have a lot of potential to be popular games will be 'sponsored'. I'll personally donate to the project's funding -- what the developer does with this support is absolutely up to them, but if they're interested in being hooked up with good and affordable freelance artists, I can assist with that also. I'm still thinking on how this will work but I'll probably lean towards something like $1 per hub fan or a bi-weekly donation, assuming progress is made and the game is growing / shows promise.

I've seen a lot of contests where there's a bunch of neat games and after that... they kind of die out? I don't want to see fun projects go to waste and thus am hoping this will encourage developers to keep chugging on, and potentially even market their game in the future.

To be eligible for a prize, contestants must have a working PayPal. One can easily be set an account up even without a credit card, assuming your country allows registration... and in the event that it cannot be sent via PayPal, I can work towards finding an alternative means of sending (or perhaps provide the money as a BYOND membership).

Those wishing to contribute to the contest funding via money, BYOND memberships, hosting, or game subscriptions, can contact me through the pager.

I really want to do this, but I'm gone that whole weekend. Maybe I can manage to whip something up that Monday. I'll enter just in case.

BYOND Key: Fugsnarf
Time-zone: CST
Likelihood of project submission: Possible, but a little unlikely due to not being around that weekend. Almost guaranteed if extended to 7 days.
Duration Preference: Extended to 7 days.
I am thinking about extending the contest's duration to a week, because I know that a lot of people obviously have things going on during the weekend. If you would like this, please let me know.
I would like this.
BYOND Key: Makeii
Time-zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Likelihood of project submission: 100% (even if it's unfinished)
4 Days or 7 Days?: 4 days.
Muy sexi.
I have included another option in the 'stating interest' section: Would you prefer it if the contest was extended to 7 days or are you content with 4?
Does the contest even need to have a set start date? I understand the need for a deadline, but couldn't it just be "get working whenever you want, and have something done by Oct 8th"?

I guess that might give people who are already developing a game an unfair headstart, but maybe we're fine with just an on-your-honor system?

In my mind, this contest (or at least, the contest I suggested someone should hold) isn't really about a time constraint (like a "Game in a Day" or "Game in a Week"), as much as it's just a showcase to see the coolest ways people can use the new 500 features in whatever game they can cook up.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Does the contest even need to have a set start date? I understand the need for a deadline, but couldn't it just be "get working whenever you want, and have something done by Oct 8th"?

I guess that might give people who are already developing a game an unfair headstart, but maybe we're fine with just an on-your-honor system?

In my mind, this contest (or at least, the contest I suggested someone should hold) isn't really about a time constraint (like a "Game in a Day" or "Game in a Week"), as much as it's just a showcase to see the coolest ways people can use the new 500 features in whatever game they can cook up.

I agree with SSGX on this one. If everybody could start whenever they wanted, that'd be ample time for developers to make good use of the new features. It hasn't been too long since people started working with them either, so the head start that some developers get isn't too unfair.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Does the contest even need to have a set start date? I understand the need for a deadline, but couldn't it just be "get working whenever you want, and have something done by Oct 8th"?

I guess that might give people who are already developing a game an unfair headstart, but maybe we're fine with just an on-your-honor system?

In my mind, this contest (or at least, the contest I suggested someone should hold) isn't really about a time constraint (like a "Game in a Day" or "Game in a Week"), as much as it's just a showcase to see the coolest ways people can use the new 500 features in whatever game they can cook up.

The problem I have with that sort of system is that in the back of my mind, I'll feel like I'd need to devote 100% of my free time to polishing the contest piece. I prefer to work on contest pieces in short bursts of undivided attention. 4 days is a good length for me, and I can keep interest on the contest piece for that long enough to complete it.

I'll have an awesome time making something with these new graphical enhancements. There's an exponential amount of possibilities that have opened because of atom.transform, atom.color, atom.alpha, and animate().
Then maybe limit yourself to just the last 4 days? lol
I like the idea of having a set start date with themes since everyone is on equal footing when the contest begins, but I can see where you're coming from. I just think it might lower the amount of entries if people are under the impression that other developers have already made progress with projects that make use of the new animation stuff.

Regardless, it's a good while before the start date so we'll see what everyone thinks. My goal is to see a couple of neat games out there-- I'm for whatever you guys believe will make that happen. :)
I can see that point, but I'd even argue against having themes. I'd rather see this as open-ended as possible, to allow the broadest range of entries possible.

I'd simply like to see a ton of really cool-looking ways that people come up with to show off 500's new glitz. In fact, the game underneath might not even be so important when it comes time to judge (sure, playable, and entertaining at a minimum, but how well the new stuff was put to use should be the biggest factor in the judgement)
I kinda do like the idea of something with less structure which is essentially 'hey, you, in 2 weeks e-mail me a cool game of yours for the chance to win a prize'. I really want to know what people think about this or if they would prefer this contest to be the usual type with unannounced themes until its start + a set amount of days for that fun pressure we all love.
But don't let me push your contest around to my will. If I wanted to make all the decisions, I could have/should have done this myself...lol
Looks like we posted similar points at the same time. My post is almost a reply to yours, haha.

But yea, hopefully those interested will chip in on what they wanna do.
I'm leaning towards SSGX's ideas still. The flexibility would help my case at least. I'm constantly lacking in time to work on things like this, but I really want to contribute and make some good use out of the new features.
If you'd be interested in assisting with and providing feedback on the contest rules, SSGX, get in touch. I'm not a programmer so I wouldn't have much of a clue as to how, for example, judge how well developers make use of the animation glitz from a technical standpoint.
I like the idea of not having themes. The point of the contest is to show off the new features of v500, aye? That can be a major judging factor. Of course, it's not to say we should flood our entries with as much atom.transform as possible.

But I don't think it even needs to be a game. It could be a demo, not unlike some of the demos seen on the Amiga.


Something like that is complete in itself, and it shows off BYOND's capabilities in full if done this way.
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