
Problem description: Im not sure if this is exactly a coding problem but for some reason when I run my game, the login screens repeat themself, Not the little squares, and when I checked on the map to see if the problem was there, everything seemed fine. Can someone please help? and also the clicking proc isnt working

Perhaps you could provide a screenshot?
In response to Qubic
The forum search comes up with a lot of results. Obviously people never care to read the release notes.

[link], [link], [link], [link], ...
In response to Schnitzelnagler
I know about all that but I dont know how to work it
In response to Soccerdog
I'm sorry, but I fear that you'll have to be a bit more precise on the issue here. Where exactly do you get stuck?
The threads I mentioned provide rather detailed solutions to this very problem, as does the release notes section in the reference that I linked to.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
I have no idea how to set the map format up
In response to Soccerdog
Since assigning a predefined value to a variable, like map_format is really one of the most basic steps in BYOND and the threads I linked to contain explicit code snippet examples, I have the feeling that you either need to start slow and learn the language, or hire somebody to edit 'your' source code.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
Hey dont be mean, i haven't been on byond for a month or so and alot changed, i never had to or heard of the map format
In response to Soccerdog
Soccerdog wrote:
Hey dont be mean

I, by no means (no pun), intend to be mean. I am simply stating unbiased facts. I couldn't draw something of quality and if my life depended on it. If somebody tells me that my art is bad, it's not mean, but a simple fact and I'd never take it as a personal offence.

Soccerdog wrote:
i never had to or heard of the map format

Which is why I linked you to the reference entry of this variable numerous times in my postings. You should always look at the reference entry for anything you're not completely sure on, because without proper knowledge, you'll likely end up with dumb trial and error.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
Ok, well, i got that part down. But can i ask why the new Click procs dont work at all? And why do they cover the image? They have no icon.
In response to Soccerdog
I'm not sure what you're exactly referring to.
What 'new Click proc' (there is no new Click proc)?
What do you mean by 'don't work'?
What covers which image?
What has no icon?

I'm sorry, but when talking about something, try to include details in your explanation as if you had never before seen the problem, because, the volunteers trying to help you actually didn't.

Are you talking about the map editor, which now has a new Options point named Click behaviour, which is elaborated on in the 455 release notes, that are pointed to by all preceding release notes?

Or are you talking about the need to properly apply mouse_opacity[link], [link], [link]?