var/date=copytext(FX,findtext(FX,"/")+1) // Reads the "/" from the txt in the website.
if(date >= time2text(world.realtime,"MM-DD-YY")) // Checks if the date is from the txt is over or equal to my computers date.
Problem description:
I have a subscription system through my website and it ain't working properly with the dates.
txt file from the website:
It says I'm not a subscriber in which I am...
Can someone help me with this error, if more information is needed please tell me.
PS: Going to switch it to a web server to get dates to stop free subscription.
Are you aware that both your date variable and the return value of time2text are text strings and thus you're basically calling SortText on them?
I'm not exactly sure what you wanted the check to do, so I can't really tell if this is anywhere close to what you had in mind.