Currently the tutorials I have seen cover stuff like adding a head 1 tile up from the body, which follows the character.

I need to know how to do a tiles positioning by the pixel rather than square(tile).

The sprites I will be using are found here:

As you can imagine... 1 tile above for a head is not going to work. Same for every sprite there.

You can use pixel_x and pixel_y variables, setting pixel_x to 1, moves icon to the right by one pixel, while setting pixel_y to 1, moves icon up by 1 pixel.
First you must have the system equipment, then you should verify that such equipment is fitted, you will make the image of the equipment "stick" the player. Something like this:
var/obj/Equip = variableofequipament
var/image/Graphic = new(Equip.icon, usr)
usr << Graphic members/?command=reference&path=client%2Fvar%2Fimages

Here is a little about how to use imagems. if you know DML, then you'll easily modify and do whatever ...
In response to Ripiz
Thanks.I just needed the pixel x and y thing.
In response to LowenHeart
People making it harder than it is I think.

icon = 'whatever.dmi'
pixel_x + 10
pixel_y + 10

There, you just do it in the object itself.