
TeleportP(client/C in world)
set popup_menu = 0
set category = "Staff"
set desc = "Teleport to a Player"
C << "Owner [usr] teleports next to you"
usr << "You teleport next to [C]"
usr.loc = locate(x,y-1,z)

Problem description:

I'm trying to make it so When you click the verb it only shows the Players on the game, not all the mobs in it.I tried to do it but i can't so can someone help me.

You'll need to maintain a list of mobs that have clients (add/remove from it in Login() and Logout()) as client is not a supported verb argument type.
apply whatever pathway your players have.

for instance


instead of client/c in world

so it would be var/mob/player/x in world
*something to that effect*

This is only assuming your verb is attached to your mob
set popup_menu = 0
set category = "Staff"
set desc = "Teleport to a Player"
var/mob/C=input("Who will you teleport to?","Teleport") in players()
C << "Owner [usr] teleports next to you"
src << "You teleport next to [C]"
src.loc = locate(C.x,max(C.y-1,1),C.z)
for(var/mob/P in world)
return returnlist

EDIT: Sorry, accidently put X.y and X.z by accident, fixed
In response to Ssj4justdale
Thx guys.
In response to Ssj4justdale
Ssj4justdale, You piece of coding had an error in it it said, player: definition out of place (bad indentention?).
Can you help me with that?
In response to Alkhalif10
Seeing as "player" does not appear anywhere in his code snippet, I do not believe he is in error.

I will point out that his players() proc is awfully wasteful, and it should either look like this:

var/list/L = list()
if(C.mob) L += C.mob
return L

or just have a global list maintained through Login() and Logout(), like this:

var/list/players = list()

players += src

players -= src