Horrible controls, horrible camera angles. When it isn't being a long, boring, quick-time-event based cutscene, it's being a watered-down, hard-to-control version of The Sims, minus any charm or enjoyable aspect. In the fourty-five minutes I played (my friend's PS3 froze and I felt no compulsion to start again), I didn't encounter any interesting characters or scenery. The voice acting varied between better-than-average and absolutely horrible (some of the dialogue is obvious cut apart from longer bits, meaning it doesn't flow nicely). The characters look nice, but they almost never emote at all, and the tears look like greasy sweat more than anything.
So, yeah, it sucks. That is, unless it got drastically better after the point I gave up on it.
![]() Mar 8 2010, 5:56 pm
If there is nothing enjoyable about that first fourty minutes, and if the projector [dies] and I have to take a rain check and wait until tomorrow, yes, I'd probably explain (like I clearly did) that I only experienced a portion of it, but that the portion I experienced was not underwhelming, but frustrating and I can't imagine the rest being any more interesting or better.
Maybe you should actually play through it before trying to criticize it as a whole. The beginning of Heavy Rain is very slow starting. The first 30 minutes isn't enough to get to the interesting bits. The first 10-15 minutes is a flash-back for christ's sake. And then the next 10 minutes is basically the "prelude." That's more than half of your playing time right there. (It took me about 8-9 hours to complete it.)
You didn't even get to the story. Maybe you should try it again. (PS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YxTVjcjYNg) |
I just played through a few hours into it. It was pretty fun a little while through, but then got repetetive. |
I'd probably explain (like I clearly did) that I only experienced a portion of it Heavy Rain is absolutely terrible. |
Keeth wrote:
Heavy Rain is absolutely terrible. Well, yes, because the title is certainly always a summary of what the thing it's titling is about. For example, Nineteen Eighty-Four. |
Well, yes, because the title is certainly always a summary of what the thing it's titling is about. For example, Nineteen Eighty-Four. So, yeah, it sucks. |
I have done this before.
Not wrote a review, but said a film was bad after only watching the first part of it. If the first part of a film is bad enough to stop me from watching the rest, I'm willing to bet the rest of it is also bad. Same applies to games. A game (and film) should always be good. It should be good from the moment it starts, until the moment it ends. Who honestly is going to play hours of a boring game, just so they can get to a few hours that are good? Trying to use "your opinion is invalid because you never played the entire game" is wrong, if the game was incapable of holding my interest long enough to get to the good parts, it is a bad game. |
The Magic Man wrote:
A game (and film) should always be good. It should be good from the moment it starts, until the moment it ends. Who honestly is going to play hours of a boring game, just so they can get to a few hours that are good? This is why I don't play your games. Because the first 48 seconds bore me to tears. Sorry, just facts. |
Except for the fact that you have never played one of my games.
They all keep logs of who has played and rough playtime. You're on none of these logs unless you used an alternate key. But I'm not bothered. You cannot find a valid argument for my opinions, so you throw around insults. You smell of poo, therefore you are wrong about everything. You also have... nogames. Sorry, just facts. Also, I agree with Popisfizzy. Heavy Rain is a bad game. As an interactive movie, it is not much better. Highly inconsistent voice acting, highly inconsistent (and mostly bad) graphics, especially so due to uncanny valley. What little gameplay exists is nothing but QTEs. Characters, settings and the general storyline was also boring. |
The Magic Man wrote:
highly inconsistent (and mostly bad) graphics lolwut first you say the graphics are horrible, then you say they're so good they're nigh-lifelike? i don't think you understand the uncanny valley. the point is that being within the uncanny valley means they look extremely lifelike, so much so that the very subtle, minor imperfections freak us out. Characters, settings and the general storyline was also boring. what a well-explained opinion. with all the descriptions you provided of how said elements were boring, i have no choice but to agree |
I did say highly inconsistent for a reason.
Mostly human graphics were good (for important characters). If a lot creepy. Animations in some places were bad, especially facial expressions and lips in particular. The graphics for everything else however was pretty bad, terrain details in particular. Also, I was stating my opinion. Not trying to convince people of anything. I think Heavy Rain is a bad and rather boring game. That is all. |
The Magic Man wrote:
Except for the fact that you have never played one of my games. You said that if one part of something is bad, the whole is bad. This is silly, so I just felt like doing the same thing to something you made to make a point. For example, the first couple minutes probably isn't enough time to experience what the game has to offer, so saying the game is bad because the beginning is bad is just silly. Also, I did play your game. The one that lacked any animation and had a list of "evil alignment" classes, I think it was, that all contained the words Dark, Evil, Blood, or a variation of those words. I recall not having any clue what to do and leaving after a minute or two. If that isn't your game, sorry, but that wasn't the point. The point is your game is bad because the beginning sucked. You also have... nogames. I guess that means my opinion of your game being boring is not valid. Well shoot. Highly inconsistent voice acting, highly inconsistent (and mostly bad) graphics, especially so due to uncanny valley. What little gameplay exists is nothing but QTEs. You don't have an interactive story game OR a game with 3D graphics OR a game with voice acting, therefore your opinion on these subjects is moot. (feel free to express them though) |
I never said you could judge a game based on playing it for a few seconds or minutes.
I said it should be good from start to finish, and that if the first part of it is bad, then the rest of it is likely to be just as bad, or not worth the effort. If you know anything about stories, you will know that they have a beginning, middle and end. The first part, or beginning is where characters, world and plot are introduced. If this is bad, the middle and end are likely to be bad too, or most people wont bother getting to them. There are exceptions to this mind you. Fighting games for example, you only have to experience one fight to have a general idea of what the game is like. But in the case of Heavy Rain this does apply, since it is entirely story driven. I found the beginning was boring, and struggled to get through it. The middle was also predictably dull, and I never managed to get to the end due to having no interest in getting to it. Also, I don't think that was my game. I was also not saying your opinion is invalid because you have no games. I was just saying, you have no games. |
Just played the demo. It was OK and the concept was interesting. The controls were bad time to time and people's faces were animated VERY poorly in some points. I might consider buying it but who knows!
According to Keeths logic, you cannot accurately judge the game based on playing a small section of it (in this case a demo). Every opinion and impression that demo gave you should be disregarded, as it was not the full game you played and those opinions and impressions are wrong. Makes you wonder why demos even exist. |
and that's being generous, considering heavy rain is a lot longer than 3 hours