Jan 22 2010, 5:58 pm
I want to make a water splashing overlay appear when I step on a water turf, how would I go about doing this? I also want to create a reflection of the mob on the warer, if somebody could give me an example or a resource for that it would be very useful, and thanks!
In response to Darkjohn66
Probably because that's barely at all what my code was.
In response to Popisfizzy
Ha...ha... I have no idea whether I deleted something or I didn't notice the edit 0_0.
In response to Darkjohn66
Both, more-than-likely.
In response to Popisfizzy
mob Error in proc PlaceAtom(atom/loc) to_place.loc = loc error: to_place.loc: cannot change constant value |
In response to Darkjohn66
Has to be /atom/movable.
Another question. I tried to use a demo popisfizzy supplied to me for placing an object on a spot and it didn't work. Nothing happened. Here it is: