We all love the ease of hotslots, where you drag skills to in order to set them to a specific key, eliminating the need for the strain of searching through skill tabs. So I managed to find Lord U's library on how to create one, and it was fantastic! My only problem is, I no longer want to use grids to drop the icons into. You can't change their image, and I can't have it smaller than like, 48x48, or else when I drop my skill into it, the image no longer shows.
So I suppose my How-To question is: I want to make my skill slots more like those in Naruto GOA, and Naruto Next Generation, where they're small, 32x32 dropzones, with or without the use of grids. Thanks again!
client.screen, screen_loc, Click(), mousedrag/drop
In response to Emasym
Are those really screen objs? Those game's hotslots always felt like they were a part of the skin.
In response to Yurokei
Having never played the game, and probably never going to play the game, and with you asking for something other than a grid, then yes, I assume they're screen objs.
In response to Emasym
So I suppose I restate my question as: Can a person drag an obj from your contents (a stat panel) on to an obj created on a client's screen? If so, how?
In response to Yurokei
MouseDrag from the Grid
MouseDrop onto a screen object resembling the quickbar
Create a new whatever you dragged from the Grid onto the MouseDrop location
Make that new whatever do something on Click()
Yeah, trust me the ones used in Naruto Next Generation are indeed objects displayed on the client_screen and utilizes the drag and drop method as described here.