If you Can code can you
make a byond proc and verb to go with it
like a byond members chat and if your byond memeber
it uses byond meember proc
Yea, you can. using IsByondMember()
In response to Leur
If you Can code can you
make a byond proc and verb to go with it
like a byond members chat and if your byond memeber
it uses byond meember proc

whatsb the coding
In response to ROBOT92
You'll want to have a verb for BYOND members only:
src.verbs += /mob/member/verb/member_chat

This code will check a player's key for a BYOND Membership, and if it has one, the player will be given a member_chat verb for members only.

The verb itself will simply send a message to all BYOND Members in the world:

member_chat(msg as text)
c << "[usr]: [msg]"

This is the code for the verb. It's under mob/member to make sure that regular players don't get this by default. What it does is it checks all the clients in the world for a BYOND membership, and if they have one, they see the message.
In response to F0lak
can you correct this

src.loc=locate(1,1,1) // locates the player at X Y and Z coordinates
src.icon_state = "player"
src.verbs += /mob/member/verb/member_chat
world << "[usr] Logs in"
src.Load() //Runs the load procedure = usr.maxhealth
alert("Adventure By ROBOT92!")
In response to F0lak
You don't need "in world" for client.

Also, you should link him to guides instead of telling him the code :/
In response to Leur
Leur wrote:
You don't need "in world" for client.

Didn't know that. Thanks.
In response to Leur
Leur wrote:
You don't need "in world" for client.

Actually, for(var/client/C in world) doesn't work at all. You can't have the "in world" there.
In response to Garthor
Why is that? clients aren't added to world upon connection, only their mob?
In response to F0lak
F0lak wrote:
Why is that? clients aren't added to world upon connection, only their mob?

Clients aren't in the world. They just are.
In response to ROBOT92
ROBOT92 wrote:
can you correct this

src.loc=locate(1,1,1) // locates the player at X Y and Z coordinates
src.icon_state = "player"
src.verbs += /mob/member/verb/member_chat
world << "[usr] Logs in"
src.Load() //Runs the load procedure = usr.maxhealth
alert("Adventure By ROBOT92!")

Use DM tags if you're posting code.

world << "[usr] Logs in"
src.Load() //Runs the load procedure = usr.maxhealth
alert("Adventure By ROBOT92!")
src.loc=locate(1,1,1) // locates the player at X Y and Z coordinates
src.icon_state = "player"
src.verbs += /mob/member/verb/member_chat
In response to ROBOT92
ROBOT92 wrote:
If you Can code can you
make (...)
whatsb the coding

  • If you have no idea on how to implement a proposed solution, your best bet is to start learning the basics.
  • If you just have trouble with a specific aspect that you can not find explained well in the reference, you'll have to be a bit more specific as to what you want to achieve.
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