If you Can code can you
make a byond proc and verb to go with it
like a byond members chat and if your byond memeber
it uses byond meember proc
May 21 2010, 7:47 am (Edited on May 21 2010, 8:07 am)
May 21 2010, 7:54 am
Yea, you can. using IsByondMember()
In response to Leur
If you Can code can you
make a byond proc and verb to go with it like a byond members chat and if your byond memeber it uses byond meember proc whatsb the coding |
In response to ROBOT92
You'll want to have a verb for BYOND members only:
mob This code will check a player's key for a BYOND Membership, and if it has one, the player will be given a member_chat verb for members only. The verb itself will simply send a message to all BYOND Members in the world: mob This is the code for the verb. It's under mob/member to make sure that regular players don't get this by default. What it does is it checks all the clients in the world for a BYOND membership, and if they have one, they see the message. |
In response to F0lak
can you correct this
mob Login() src.loc=locate(1,1,1) // locates the player at X Y and Z coordinates src.icon_state = "player" if(client.isByondMember()) src.verbs += /mob/member/verb/member_chat src.icon='player.dmi' world << "[usr] Logs in" src.Load() //Runs the load procedure usr.health = usr.maxhealth alert("Adventure By ROBOT92!") |
In response to F0lak
You don't need "in world" for client.
Also, you should link him to guides instead of telling him the code :/ |
In response to Leur
Leur wrote:
You don't need "in world" for client. Didn't know that. Thanks. |
In response to Leur
Leur wrote:
You don't need "in world" for client. Actually, for(var/client/C in world) doesn't work at all. You can't have the "in world" there. |
In response to Garthor
Why is that? clients aren't added to world upon connection, only their mob?
In response to F0lak
F0lak wrote:
Why is that? clients aren't added to world upon connection, only their mob? Clients aren't in the world. They just are. |
In response to ROBOT92
ROBOT92 wrote:
can you correct this Use DM tags if you're posting code. mob |
In response to ROBOT92
ROBOT92 wrote:
If you Can code can you