Can someone(preferably GhostAnime if possible) help me with this? This is a very nice system, and I have used it in 2 games. I am trying to use it a new game, but for some reason it will not work. I copied and pasted it from one of my other games, which it worked on. I also tried copying and pasting it from the downloaded file. It also did not work. Does anyone have any suggestions?

(I also tried it with other demos, such as Deadron's Quest Engine, and they worked.)
What is exactly the problem? There's so many things that can go wrong (especially with this one), and to help narrow down why it is not working, I need to know what exactly is "not working". Ex: Does it not run? Does it give a run-time error? Compile-time error? etc.

Just be sure to have the CREATE_PATH containing appropriate paths for the game (do not contain paths that do not exist) and have the + other libraries needed checked off. Yes, I noticed I misspelled the last file in the library.
In response to GhostAnime
Basically it does not run. No errors, just doesn't run. I click Edit, it tells me to choose something in the world, I choose myself, nothing happens. I really do not know what else to say other than that.
In response to Albro1
Perhaps you have two topic()s, so one is overwriting the other.