Fairy Tail: Old

by Ryan-hemsley
Fairy Tail: Old
A game in development based on the anime Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima.
https://discord.gg/RA5xsp7 Join Us on Discord

We've moved, check the new official here: https://www.byond.com/games/SNSProduction/FTBOTG
Ill icon for u ryan
T.T i missed the Alpha
In response to 43_hack_43
No its later today, just got to wait for my host guy to come on.
im already online playing
gna b nice wen done
Need a full time host. Page me if interested.
Nelson need to put up tha game
Ryan Unbanne Me Zherlthsh '-'
Sorry guys my laptop charger broke so i had to wait for a new one. Fairy Tails back in business with a fresh wipe.
I can full time host contact me
Hello Ryan I see that your fairy tail suffers with the lag times and wish I could help because I am and I am available Hoster Anything Contact me
I have a 8 core Server to host game so if you want contact me
*yawns* congratulations Mech u have banned me for no reason or was the reason the spam login that was caused cause of lag either way obvious abuse
I'm not trying to be a dick but you need to fix these things about this game


2)Guild standing effecting xp so much I joined mermaid heel then got kicked and the diffrence was insane and you don't even reset standings anymore.

3)Mei-Lan abuses hardcore first she boots me for no reason.
-booted me for no reason then said i'll abuse as much as i want
-then kicked me out of my guild because she just didn't want me there.

yea i agree with this guy was really hyped about the game
This game COULD be great. What is keeping it from being so to me are a few things.

1) The training - As it is, training is a huge, long grind fest reminiscent of NNG. You sit and punch some random NPC for hours and hours just to have enough strength to hurt someone, and then find that you get instantly killed anyway due to having no defense. Now you need to find someone that doesn't kill you in one hit and have them spam attack you to train that also.

2) The moves - I don't want to give the wrong impression here - they're cool. And AoEs have a place I suppose. But when they are as strong as the harder to target moves, it makes me wonder why I should even bother to use them and try to play the game with skill. If this were an MMO I suppose that would be fine, but it is not, and PvPing against someone that just runs in circles spamming AoEs that are plenty strong enough to kill me, while I am trying to chase them and use my single target 1 tile wide moves is disheartening and simply not fun.

3) Not newbie friendly whatsoever - As I stated before, the training is a huge grind fest, which is not fun and discouraged me personally from playing, as I had to not only train for days to catch up, but I had to deal with people walking in to where I spawn to kill me (in one hit, since they had already trained).

Furthermore, while there are some players that are friendly to newbies, I saw two staff that were, at best, outright aggressive. A player logged in, asked if something was in, and was told by basically the entire player base that he was stupid and it didn't exist. When he pulled up a wiki article proving that he was in fact correct, he was yelled at by a staff member, literally for being right, booted, and then was stalked around the game and spam killed by a guild master simply for being correct about something, while the staff simply yelled at him any time he asked for assistance.

4) The staff - Other than the above example, I also witnessed one of the staff members, who can apparently see guild chat for other guilds, talking on OOC about something that was said on another guild's chat(mine) - something that was supposed to be a private conversation between that guild's members and which said staff member only had knowledge of because of his position. This of course was only AFTER he teleported all over the place in order to find people because they were hiding from him so he wouldn't spam kill them.

I understand the game is in pre beta, and the first three can be changed by the time a stable beta is released, but the fourth might need a little bit more effort. Unless of course you want a game with great potential to be ruined by the staff members running off every potential player, in which case keep up the good work.
In response to Itsaku
I will take your advice on some of these points. And i will deal with the staff issue today. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
can i get an unban or no?
lol the lil nigga got mad and banned me lololololol wat a dumb admin HEHE ^_^
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