I have not put together any queries.
I have simply put together a proc that allows the user to connect to the database and a verb to initiate it to test see if i could connect properly.
However i keep getting the error message:
The specified module could not be found
I do not have a clue what the module is it is trying to find or what could be the cause for this error.
Also the code for what i did is below:
//Variables here
var/DBConnection/dbcon = new()
var/connected = dbcon.Connect(DBI,username,Password())
usr << "Connection failed: [dbcon.ErrorMsg()]"
usr << "Database connection was a success"
set name = "Connect to mysql"
set category = "Commands"
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you have this problem it means you have no libmysql.dll in your windows system folder.
You can find the dll through google for downlaod.
Then place the file in the C;/Windows/system folder
Then it should all work no problem