I said it. BYOND is quite silly. I've been around BYOND for a good solid seven years, closing in on eight soon. I've seen it evolve quite a lot over these seven years, and.. honestly, I don't like it.
Sure, there's a few cool things. Separate pager is a pretty nice thing. It's very organized. 4.0 skins, that's a really cool idea.
But, from the viewpoint of someone that seriously does not use BYOND at all for any sort of developing... what the hell?! It seems that every new version that comes out, one thing is fixed and two things are broken. Silly little weird quirks that almost entirely match the quirks of Windows Vista. Like, the latest version, no settings related to skins are ever saved. Nothing. If I replace a skin with my own custom skin, the custom skin is over-written. Not entirely new, but now, every time I close the Dream Seeker window, all of the settings are erased. Including all the macros. For some reason, my macros don't save?
And I feel quite confident that if I dared to report this as a bug then I would just get something silly like, "Oh that's not BYOND /excuse."
A few weeks ago, I was on Vista, and I sufferred from serious Output problems that were stated to me as not having enough RAM because Vista is a hog. So, just to test it for myself, I switched to XP. Here I am on XP. And to be honest, the Output problems were fixed. But other problems showed up.
And, what bugs me the most, is that as the updates are pushed forward, it is made incompatible entirely with past versions. It has come to the point that I have quit playing games entirely simply because I dreaded the update so much.
So, please. Can someone assure me that the development of BYOND is NOT silly and that there are unseen fixes that make up whenever it seems BYOND is made worse?
Jul 25 2010, 7:15 pm
Jul 25 2010, 7:59 pm
BYOND is pretty fricken stable. Sure, it has its share of bugs. So does every program. I don't feel that with every feature is a bug. BYOND has come a long way since the initial buggy release of 4.0. BYOND is also very powerful. A lot of people really underestimate what BYOND is capable of. We're seeing a lot of demonstrations today of how well BYOND can handle online even with a custom pixelized movement system and raised FPS. There will always be bugs. Not just with BYOND, but with everything. Does that make everything silly? Of course not.
In response to Fugsnarf
Oh, I know BYOND is pretty stable. I mean, I'm sorry if it sounded like all I was doing was complaining about BYOND in that post, but there's have been quite a lot of very awesome improvements done to the system.
But, my comparison to Windows seems pretty valid. It's pretty awesome, but just like Windows, has a bunch of weird annoying quirks that makes you want to /rage. Let me try and emphasize this. I don't refer to these problems as bugs. I refer to them as quirks. And it seems everybody suffers from them in different ways, like how they suffer from Windows' quirks, which is why I call it silly. |
In response to SuperAntx
I know it's just me, and not BYOND. That's what makes it weird. It seems a lot of people suffer from weird, odd little quirks like this, and it's never one specific thing, but just random incompatibilities or conflicts. You know. Quirks.
BYOND is quirky. That's what I'm saying. |
In response to JRG
Show me some suffering. To me, it definitely sounds like all you're doing is complaining. I'm not suffering. BYOND is still evolving. I'm having a lot of fun seeing it evolve and working with it in the process. If there's any very serious issue that's bugging you, report it and the BYOND staff will do their best to fix it, especially if it's major.
JRG wrote:
Like, the latest version, no settings related to skins are ever saved. Nothing. If I replace a skin with my own custom skin, the custom skin is over-written. Not entirely new, but now, every time I close the Dream Seeker window, all of the settings are erased. Including all the macros. For some reason, my macros don't save? On what do you base this certainty? There are certain technical limitations imposed by Windows, but there are some we can work around. It sounds like this is probably a case of file permissions not being right, but if we understood the system layout that's causing the issue, we might be able to come up with a good way to avoid these sorts of problems. In the absence of information though, we can do nothing. This is the first I've heard of macros not saving at all. A few weeks ago, I was on Vista, and I sufferred from serious Output problems that were stated to me as not having enough RAM because Vista is a hog. So, just to test it for myself, I switched to XP. Here I am on XP. And to be honest, the Output problems were fixed. But other problems showed up. Depending on the game it is still possible to run into some RAM issues, particularly if you had them before and you're on the same computer. Those kinds of things are tricky to deal with. It sounds like you're blaming the wrong thing for your problems though; your computer may just be badly out of date. Also I need hardly point out that the Wacom tablet is not standard hardware, and while it hasn't given me any issues it's possible you're running into some problems with it that are more unique to your system (or conversely, that my lack of trouble is unique to mine). And, what bugs me the most, is that as the updates are pushed forward, it is made incompatible entirely with past versions. It has come to the point that I have quit playing games entirely simply because I dreaded the update so much. "Incompatible entirely" is factually inaccurate; there are various forms of compatibility and some have not changed much over time. In particular it has always been a major goal to continue to support old games. However it is reasonable to point out that several recent server features have required client upgrades to join those games. Most of those recent changes were security-related. For example, in version 468 we added a form of encryption for .rsc files by popular request; this necessarily meant that clients needed to upgrade to read the new files. So, please. Can someone assure me that the development of BYOND is NOT silly and that there are unseen fixes that make up whenever it seems BYOND is made worse? There are not merely unseen fixes, but seen and documented fixes. Each release has included notes explaining what changed. Just because a particular fix may not have impacted you does not mean it did not exist. Interface-wise however the frontend has been improving quite a lot in stability and has had no significant changes for quite a while, so if you're experiencing problems along those lines that would be unlikely to be caused by the newer releases. (That's not to say a new release can't cause new bugs to appear; it happens. But usually if a bug appears only as of a certain release it's because some related code was touched.) However you're making half-allusions to problems you seem loath to describe, so I can only guess as to what issues you've encountered besides the Wacom driver issue you had a while back, and this macro issue for which you have offered no details to investigate. You have no other bug reports on file. We can't fix bugs that haven't been reported. Lummox JR |
In response to Fugsnarf
Fine. Not suffering. That was a rather strong word. Generally, facepalming, being frustrated for a few minutes, then moving on, accepting it as a quirk.
I just felt that this, being a BYOND Discussion forum, that it would be nice to discuss that I feel BYOND is silly and quirky. It's not bad, it's pretty awesome. It's also quirky. There isn't a serious issue that's bugging me. The last serious issue I had was almost nine months ago when there was a version of BYOND released that would disconnect me from most games at random intervals between thirty seconds and ten minutes. Whenever I would ask about it, I was assured that this was a problem with the host server and not BYOND (which I feel I was lied to and/or the people that told me this did not know much, because I have not had a problem with it recently and the servers have not changed.) Like I said.. quirkiness. A lot of my friends and I just seem to have a lot of weird, random, unconnected problems for a version or two, then it suddenly becomes some other weird, random unconnected problem. |
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
JRG wrote: I should elaborate on what I meant by this: I am referring to odd little quirks that my friends and I suffer from every time we update to a newer BYOND, that are ultimately unconnected and seemingly random. The two times they have bothered me enough for me to bring them to attention - once in Bug Reports and once in this subforum, I was assured that BYOND is not at fault. Now that I've seen them more often, I've come to understand that while BYOND is not at fault, neither is anything else, and it's just a weird quirk that, apparently, can not be worked around. Most of the time, said quirk disappears in newer versions, such as Dream Seeker dropping my connection to the host server randomly, usually within ten minutes of connection. (I maintain this is not related to the host server because older versions of BYOND did not have this problem, and as BYOND updated, the host server did not change, so it must either have been a quirk or BYOND's fault.) It sounds like this is probably a case of file permissions not being right, but if we understood the system layout that's causing the issue, we might be able to come up with a good way to avoid these sorts of problems. In the absence of information though, we can do nothing. This is the first I've heard of macros not saving at all. I feel this is just a quirk between my system and BYOND. It is very possible that, since I am on a new OS, that BYOND is just not getting the right permissions, but I do not use BYOND for enough games or often enough for this to bother me. Since no one else has had this problem (I've asked around), I figured it was just a silly little thing causing a rather large problem. Depending on the game it is still possible to run into some RAM issues, particularly if you had them before and you're on the same computer. Those kinds of things are tricky to deal with. It sounds like you're blaming the wrong thing for your problems though; your computer may just be badly out of date. Also I need hardly point out that the Wacom tablet is not standard hardware, and while it hasn't given me any issues it's possible you're running into some problems with it that are more unique to your system (or conversely, that my lack of trouble is unique to mine). I understand this. At first it frustrated me, but the need to click the output was not very common in the first place and could usually be worked around. My computer is getting rather old and was not exactly the best in the first place. BYOND was the only program that would give me an issue related to the Wacom tablet, which was why I was quick to assume that it was BYOND's fault - now, I understand a bit more. I am on XP now, though, and have yet to install the tablet software, but when I do, I suppose that will tell me if it was Vista or my computer just suxxorzorz. Either way, I've more or less shrugged it away. Just a minor nuisance, nothing big. "Incompatible entirely" is factually inaccurate; there are various forms of compatibility and some have not changed much over time. In particular it has always been a major goal to continue to support old games. However it is reasonable to point out that several recent server features have required client upgrades to join those games. Most of those recent changes were security-related. For example, in version 468 we added a form of encryption for .rsc files by popular request; this necessarily meant that clients needed to upgrade to read the new files. I think I will apologize here; I am beginning to notice that I used a lot of vocabulary that could have definitely been cleaned up. Thanks for the information on this. "Incompatible entirely" was very much a wrong word to use, but generally as BYOND progresses, many servers update to newer BYONDs and eventually the clients follow. There are not merely unseen fixes, but seen and documented fixes. Each release has included notes explaining what changed. Just because a particular fix may not have impacted you does not mean it did not exist. Interface-wise however the frontend has been improving quite a lot in stability and has had no significant changes for quite a while, so if you're experiencing problems along those lines that would be unlikely to be caused by the newer releases. (That's not to say a new release can't cause new bugs to appear; it happens. But usually if a bug appears only as of a certain release it's because some related code was touched.) I try to affirm that these are largely quirks that occur whenever I update. However, as I mentioned earlier in my post, this is from the standpoint of someone who does not use BYOND for development of anything, so while I will acknowledge that there are many changes per release, I concentrate particularly on what does affect me, and I've encountered plenty more frustrations and silly quirks with BYOND than I have features that I liked, whether it was immediately a cool feature or something that took time for me to adjust to. (Separate pager, for example, I disliked at first.) However you're making half-allusions to problems you seem loath to describe, so I can only guess as to what issues you've encountered besides the Wacom driver issue you had a while back, and this macro issue for which you have offered no details to investigate. You have no other bug reports on file. We can't fix bugs that haven't been reported. Like I said, I'm trying not to say there's a lot of bugs with BYOND. It's just.. quirky. I encounter seemingly random errors as if it were Windows, and I can only imagine that this is because it conflicts with certain little things that perhaps not every PC would have on there, such as my Wacom issue. BYOND has really made a lot of amazing progress, and once I sit on a new version for a while I do not mind any problems it may give me - especially since it is amazingly more stable than at the beginning of 4.0. (Oh, the memories.) It is also quirky, and I just wanted to see if anyone else felt that way about the program. |
BYOND you silly moose. Interestingly I suspect most of the actual regressions in BYOND are down in features 99% of developers will not use.
I'm personally in the process of hunting whether or not two of my issues are BYOND bugs, and if they are, then they've been that way for some versions now without anyone noticing. This pretty much stems out of the fact that BYOND is a real swiss army knife of a platform for functionality, supported by just two developers. I'd be very interested to hear how many lines of code comprise the software that gets released, to put the whole task into perspective. To give you an idea of the complexity, take the lines of code in BYOND, multiply by the deployment platforms they need to support (Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000?, Linux, FreeBSD, OSX) and that should give you an idea of the sheer mountain of testing that is involved in even a minor bug-fix release. And of course a good chunk of it is legacy C++, which will tax the developers more. As a software engineer myself, I can respect such a release process is no small feat. |
In response to JRG
JRG wrote:
I just felt that this, being a BYOND Discussion forum, that it would be nice to discuss that I feel BYOND is silly and quirky. It's not bad, it's pretty awesome. It's also quirky. Honestly I see nothing positive coming out of such a discussion. What is there to even discuss? If any quirks are unique to your system, other people are going to have entirely different quirks. And that's true of all software. And "silly" doesn't fit the toned-down approach you're taking now. Lummox JR |
In response to JRG
Why not just upgrade to Windows 7? Thats what I did, and my computer has never run better. Not only that, but windows 7 has alot of really cool new features that Vista didnt, that makes it so much worth it. Kind of like BYOND. Sure at some point you will get a crappy update that is full of bugs. But they will fix them or try and fix them, and then it will update to something better, with fixes and new features. Only this way, it is free... Unlike windows. Y_Y
In response to Moussiffer
Vista in general is a crapstain. Upgrade to XP, even. I do not know the person's specs on his PC, but if 7 is too much, go with XP.
In response to Moussiffer
Windows 7 is really nice. The only thing I have an issue with is that to use some old programs, you have to pay for something of a 200$ upgrade.
I had a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector to play games with my Nintendo systems online using a wired router, but now it doesn't work and they are not releasing a new firmware for Windows 7. |
In response to Darkjohn66
Nintendo products are from the stone age *coughWEPkeycough*. I've never heard of a Wi-Fi thingy being incompatible with an OS.
In response to Moonlight Memento
It really was useful, I had bought it when it was 40$. Now you can get them cheap, they don't make them anymore. Apparently it is because they got sued for copying something from another company inside it.
Available Software Versions: (For assistance with downloading and installing the software, please see the information at the bottom of this section.) Windows 7 users: There is no installation software available for Windows 7, and we cannot guarantee that any of the available versions will work with Windows 7. (http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/wfc/en_na/customersupport/ downloadUSB.jsp) |
In response to Darkjohn66
You could have spent that $40 on a wireless router and saved yourself a lot of hassle. Also, the device in question has Vista drivers, if the drivers work on Vista they'll work in Windows 7.
JRG wrote:
I said it. BYOND is quite silly. I've been around BYOND for a good solid seven years, closing in on eight soon. I've seen it evolve quite a lot over these seven years, and.. honestly, I don't like it. So much of my old design and code is broke in my old projects that it's a major reason I stopped coding in BYOND about a year ago or so. |
In response to Stephen001
I've wondered for some time now why BYOND isn't open source. Seems like it'd get a lot farther, faster. I suppose it's somebody's baby, so there's that, I have a hard time believing they make a lot of money off of it though.
In response to Rockinawsome
I believe it was mentioned that it is not open source because the source is too messy, or something.