L = list("Leaf")
Promote(mob/M in (Village <= "Leaf"))
set category = "Hokage"
var/a = input("Rank your Village")in list("Anbu","Jounin")
M.Villagetitle = "Anbu"
M << "You are now an Anbu"
usr << "You have made [M] an Anbu"
else if(M.Villagetitle == "Academy Student")
M.Villagetitle = "Academy Student"
usr << "They must pass Chunin exam first!"
else if(M.Villagetitle == "Gunin")
M.Villagetitle = "Gunin"
usr << "They must pass Chunin exam first!"
M.Villagetitle = "Jounin"
M << "You are now an Jounin"
usr << "You have made [M] an Jounin"
else if(M.Villagetitle == "Academy Student")
M.Villagetitle = "Academy Student"
usr << "They must pass Chunin exam first!"
else if(M.Villagetitle == "Gunin")
M.Villagetitle = "Gunin"
usr << "They must pass Chunin exam first!"
Village_Track(mob/M in (Village <= "Leaf"))
set category = "Hokage"
src.x = M:x
src.y = M:y-1
src.z = M:z
M << "[src] instantly apears before you!"
src << "you apear before [M]"
Attack_Sand(mob in (Village <= "Leaf"))
set category = "Hokage"
mob << "This is war time attack the Sand"
Problem description:
I get a runtime error that says the list doesnt exist. what am i missing and if you dont mind telling me how i would go about fixing it or doing this better
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