How do you, pass verb arguments into a custom skin's button command?

mob/verb/Hi(msg as text)
set hidden = 1//Strictly for the skin's usage
world << "[msg]"

And then be-able to pass the arguments through a button's command.

Command: Hi("How are you doing?!")
Just like how you'd type them into the input bar.

Command: Hi "How are you doing!?"
In response to Kaiochao
First and foremost I recommend if you haven't already reading Lummox Jr's great tutorial on the Interface layout. Here

But when you do make your input bar and you place the verb name which in your case is "Hi". Doing this will pass whatever the user places in there threw that verb and then do what it needs to in your case output text"

Also I personally recommend doing this:
mob/verb/Hi(msg as null|text)//Adding the null will not allow the user to just hit enter with blank text.
set hidden = 1//Strictly for the skin's usage
world << "[msg]"//also make sure that your output window is set for default I always name my outputs just in the event that I would use multiple output windows.
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
Just like how you'd type them into the input bar.

Command: Hi "How are you doing!?"

Ah! Well that was embarrassing. Thanks alot.
In response to Smokymcpot
Smokymcpot wrote:
First and foremost I recommend if you haven't already reading Lummox Jr's great tutorial on the Interface layout. Here

But when you do make your input bar and you place the verb name which in your case is "Hi". Doing this will pass whatever the user places in there threw that verb and then do what it needs to in your case output text"

Also I personally recommend doing this:
> mob/verb/Hi(msg as null|text)//Adding the null will not allow the user to just hit enter with blank text.
> set hidden = 1//Strictly for the skin's usage
> world << "[msg]"//also make sure that your output window is set for default I always name my outputs just in the event that I would use multiple output windows.

Oh and i apologize for my bad example,but I didn't plan on using the verb to allow a player to input text.
However, I really appreciate the help though.
In response to Ant305
No don't apologize for your example. There are many different ways to do everything. Even if your not using it for text its still good to null it, and as far as naming stuff I have found that is easier to name everything that way if you ever need to change it.