In response to Lummox JR
The explanation was pretty clear the first time. FA trolling me about it, and you somehow agreeing with him, makes it plenty called for that my diagrammed explanation be titled "for tards".
If you're worried about long names, then have the 'by Author' and '[x servers,x players]' text wrap to the next line only when condensed size calls for it. At the same time, the short description of the entry should still be cut off if it becomes too long. And I don't particularly see a reason for the description to be tabbed in, the different font should be visually distinguishing enough, and tabbing just seems like yet another wasted space.

As far as the search goes. Stop discussing how it should decide what I'm searching for, because it shouldn't. If I search for "pictures of cats" on google, it doesn't just decide that I'm looking for images, and send me there. If you want people to be directly sent to resources, then include an actual feature for it. Something intentional, like searching "resources: whatever" could be an acceptable trigger. Along the same lines that google provides "define: whatever"

It seems to be a long running problem that when you guys are developing new features and/or modifying existing ones, you don't look at already existing sources for established paths to follow.
In response to Lummox JR
I'll be honest, it all looks like a jumbled mess of chaos, even if there is somehow some order to it. It looks extremely unprofessional.
In response to Fugsnarf
Fugsnarf wrote:
I'll be honest, it all looks like a jumbled mess of chaos, even if there is somehow some order to it. It looks extremely unprofessional.

In response to Tom
Tom wrote:

Any person that comes to the site wouldn't know to do that, for one, and for two he would think it looks like a jumbled mess of unprofessional chaos like I said. I'm just being blunt because I can't understand how you think it looks good. I'm not talking about just how it look to me either, but more how it looks to newcomers and whatnot.
In response to Fugsnarf
Fugsnarf wrote:
Tom wrote:

Any person that comes to the site wouldn't know to do that, for one, and for two he would think it looks like a jumbled mess of unprofessional chaos like I said. I'm just being blunt because I can't understand how you think it looks good. I'm not talking about just how it look to me either, but more how it looks to newcomers and whatnot.

I'm not really sure what you're talking about, so please post a screenshot if it's THAT bad. The Ctrl+F5 is to refresh the cache, because for some reason the browser isn't doing that (I believe it should clear on its own shortly). Maybe there's something we can do to force it. If we're talking about something else, then I'll have to see it. The change was pretty subtle.
In response to Tom
Well it's fixed now. It was as if HUB entries were tabbed in certain sections. It looked like it -could- have some order to it, but really looked like a jumbled mess. For example, it had Naruto GOA in the normal place, then Bleach Las Noches tabbed under it. Then it went to Teridal and had Teridal untabbed, but Mikatake High, NEStalgia, and Pokemon Citrine all tabbed under it (each one tab more than the other). And so on...

I honestly thought it was intentional. If it wasn't, I apologize.
In response to Fugsnarf
Fugsnarf wrote:
I honestly thought it was intentional. If it wasn't, I apologize.

Apology accepted.
In response to Tom
The Ctrl+F5 worked for awhile, but it's back now.


In response to Fugsnarf
Well, all I can tell you is that we're not doing that and it's from the browser cache. We'll see about sending something in the header to reset that. In the meantime, you should be able to resolve it by clearing your cache for the entire domain. I don't know why Ctrl+F5 isn't working in this case since that's exactly what it's supposed to do for an individual page.
This is how I would change the hub listing.

I agree with Falacy on moving the hub author and player count. I also think the short description should have a stricter character limit. Longer descriptions should be cut off rather than expanding the box they're in.

As for the first game on the list, I'd like to see some sort of "featured game of the week" system implemented. Rather than being the most popular or the one with the most players, it should be the one with the largest player increase over the previous week. The idea would be to support trending games. Whichever game is picking up some steam should get an extra push in hopes of keeping up the momentum.

Unless a game is constantly growing week after week (which is a good thing, right?) other games would get a fair shot at being featured.
In response to Tom
It's very odd, I had to hit ctrl+F5 a few times before it fixed it. I wonder if it's a chrome bug or something(very possible, I haven't viewed it in firefox yet)
In response to OrangeWeapons
OrangeWeapons wrote:
Also, what the heck is with the search box in the top right corner of the screen? Why can't I select Resources, Community, Games? What happened to that box?

I liked the two boxes better. This different box is lame, and I remember the top Search box looking a little nicer.

I liked the drop-down list better too.
Add to my list of complaints that the page links have been moved to the bottom. Having to scroll all the way down, every page, to get to the next page, is an unacceptable annoyance.
In response to Falacy
In response to SuperAntx
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