Is it possible to make dynamic paths. For example make a /turf/mySpot at runtime?
new /turf/mySpot(loc)

You could replace loc with locate(x,y,z) or locate(/mob/shopkeeper) or whatever.
In response to LordBistian
/turf/mySpot isn't a path at compile-time.

Im trying to create the path dynamically.
In response to Tubutasx1
No you cannot. You can make something that writes new objects in code for you, though.
In response to The Ending Cross
A dynamic obj. I've had that for a while.

I need this for using locate to find specific spots.

So I'm gonna use the tag var.
In response to Tubutasx1
Take a look at the text2path() proc.
In response to Tubutasx1
Oh sorry I misread, I thought you meant like create a new type.

yeah, just use locate(ObjectTag)