Donated one dollar :D
Was the $5000 goal met last month? I remember looking close to the end of the month and I thought it would fall short...
No, it fell about $1300 short, I think.
Also, keep in mind that paypal takes something like 30¢ + 2.9% per transaction, so there's a lot of overhead on a $1 donation. |
DarkCampainger wrote:
Also, keep in mind that paypal takes something like 30¢ + 2.9% per transaction, so there's a lot of overhead on a $1 donation. I thought it was done through Stripe? I'm sure they have the same practice though...didn't think of that EDIT: Yeah stripe has the exact same fee. So I guess I would have to donate $1.34 in order for BYOND to get exactly a buck? |
FIREking wrote:
They need people to donate 1 dollar, because if every byond user donated 1 dollar each month, they'd have easily 10 thousand a month. I doubt BYOND gets 10k players per month, plus you'd be forcing them to donate every month, something which a lot of people dislike x'D. |
We actually get approx 10k unique players daily, and close to 50k monthly. There is some overlap but the fact is that the majority of our audience does not contribute.
Thanks to FIREKing for setting a nice example here and everyone who does help us reach our goals though! |
Byond doesn't offer me any reason to donate.
Maybe for a membership? Ever since unique sites was removed, ha. Maybe for the games? Every single gameplay on byond is fully witnessed within 20 minutes then repeated for the rest of the 23 minutes you play. To help support Byond? Ha. Byond's gangsta |
Rod5 wrote:
Byond doesn't offer me any reason to donate. BYOND doesn't give you any reason to donate says someone that donated ten dollars to a game that legally isn't even allowed to make money from it's existence due to infringing on the Intellectual Property of others. Rod5 wrote: Helllo Byonders, Byond's gangsta has query ina new fun game he has decided to play |
Byond itself gives me the no reason to donate. Being an Elite in a game(That for some reason is still on the hub although illegal practices are made) Does.
Rod5 wrote:
Byond doesn't offer me any reason to donate. Plus BYOND games don't really have as much member-only benefits like they had 5 years ago. And getting rid of the Review System pretty much hinders renewing a membership. |
Rod5 wrote:
Byond itself gives me the no reason to donate. If it weren't for BYOND, none of those games would exist. BYOND may have remained the same in many aspects through the years, but this is an undeniable fact. No BYOND, none of the games associated. Supporting the development of BYOND indirectly supports the games you play. |
Rod5 wrote:
Byond's gangsta wot BYOND's site isn't myspace, you're not donating for the site to give you something- donating to the engine that was used to make games in which you play seems like a no-brainer. - Jittai a.k.a. B.Y.O.N.D.'S O.O.G.O.M.G. |
Jittai wrote:
donating to the engine that was used to make games in which you play seems like a no-brainer. That's the very reason I bring up buying BYOND memberships and making donations to the players of my roleplay community rather often. |
There's no point in trying to convince people of why they should donate anymore. If they don't get it by now, they probably don't have money to give anyway.
Fugsnarf wrote:
There's no point in trying to convince people of why they should donate anymore. If they don't get it by now, they probably don't have money to give anyway. I would like to establish... Condition 1: If you don't understand why BYOND needs donations, then you probably don't have any money to begin with. Condition 2: Just because you don't have any money to begin with, that doesn't mean you don't understand why BYOND needs it. |
Convincing people usually results in them giving in or just flat out dismissing you - on the internet most attempts end with the latter.
Well honestly, I didn't pay a cent to BYOND until recently, partially because I didn't have a debit card and partially because I'm a cheap bastard. Once I finally decided to buy a membership, somebody bought one for me. I actually have no idea who it was either.
So ironically, getting a free membership sorta broke the ice for me and then I was ready to donate. Anyway, I think there are a lot of young people here who might be able to come up with a few bucks once in a while, but just don't have a card and don't want to ask their parents for whatever reason. |
Give me a month, gents.. I plan on dropping 10,000. Up yours, Teka. (Crude, I know)
I recognize that, and as much as I'd like to contribute, I don't have a dollar.