Ok so lets say i have this on verb. After i use the on verb, an off obj is suppost to be added on the user's screen but it says 'src.screen: undefined var' What should i use instead of src.screen?
Mar 20 2011, 3:42 pm
var/obj/gui/off/A=new/obj/gui/off Ok so lets say i have this on verb. After i use the on verb, an off obj is suppost to be added on the user's screen but it says 'src.screen: undefined var' What should i use instead of src.screen? |
Mar 20 2011, 3:44 pm
screen is a client variable, so you should be doing src.client.screen.
In response to LordAndrew
Yah its working but now it gives me a 'runtime error: Cannot read null.screen'
In response to XskyflakezX
Ohh never mind. I fixed it