Given that BYOND can detect certain pixels of a certain color on an icon, technically it would be possible to to rotate certain parts of an icon given two transparent pixels.
I first thought of applying this to weapons, for instance, if I have a character that has a slash attack, and 50 weapons, I could create a slash animation for the character with transparent pixels designating the start and end points of the weapon on a certain frame to transform it appropriately, so instead of creating the animation for every weapon, I'd create one frame of the weapon at 0 degrees, and apply this icon-tranforming utility to it.
However, if I took it further, wouldn't it be possible to to construct entire characters with a skeleton that has animations, then, I could simply go back through and touch-up the sprites, rather than redrawing them frame-by-frame?
Essentially, it would be like a 2D model, as it would have bones, texture, animations, etc, right?
EDIT: Obviously, not realtime in-game, but using the utility to created pregenerated icons.
![]() Sep 7 2013, 6:17 am
![]() Sep 7 2013, 7:06 am
Yutput did this, in real time, for his game Killthemall. It works fine, the icons are a bit rough because of the procedure they go through, but overall it works nicely in a fast swinging animation.
Epic: Legends does this too. Both his games, so I can see why. It's essentially tweening. The idea's been around for a long time, but I can't say how often it's used in a game.
when you swing an item in killthemall the icons for the swing animation isn't pre-rendered. Even when you pick it up, that icon of it being in your hand is not pre-rendered either. It's not that big of a deal, and atm looks bad cause of icon procs.
Oh, no, that's not what I mean. Lol
I don't mean generating the a totally new animation, I mean taking a pre-existing animation and generating an icon that -has- that animation. For instance if I make a skeleton that's basically just points and lines, and have it move its arm, then use such a utility on a fleshed out icon, it would move the arm of the actual icon. |
Essentially, you'd have to build the icon in parts (a part for every bone on the skeleton) and if a bone rotates a certain way, so does that part of the character.
In that case, it's highly improbable that it would end up looking nice unless you were using vectors. And Flash already supports that kinda thing.
You just have to draw each segment, position them, and rotate their icons appropriately. The drawing and positioning may be tedious, but the icon rotation is super basic stuff and doesn't really need to be done before runtime. Especially with the upcoming atom.transform.
And yeah, the "relative position" of each segment from the center of mass would of course be represented by a vector. |