So i got a source and i want to make it original so its not a rip but its my game.
What would i need to change so byond doesnt say its a rip
![]() Aug 20 2011, 5:04 pm
if i completely change the map + all the icons + edit alot of stuff + change the login menu + add stuff = original
No, you'd have to change all of that plus reprogramming the game from the ground up. Using no part of the original source.
Killerexp wrote:
So i got a source and i want to make it original so its not a rip but its my game. Hint: You can't. |
Killerexp wrote:
So i got a source and i want to make it original so its not a rip but its my game. Open the source. Go to every file, click CTRL+A, and then Delete. Then, type everything again from scratch. |
Killerexp wrote:
if i completely change the map + all the icons + edit alot of stuff + change the login menu + add stuff = original If you're going to spend time changing everything, why not start from scratch? Unfortunately, if you opt to use stolen code, your game will always have the stigma of being a rip. If you want the accomplishment of being accepted as an original game, you cannot take shortcuts. |
Nadrew wrote:
No, you'd have to change all of that plus reprogramming the game from the ground up. Using no part of the original source. I completely agree with this. And I feel something needs to be done about Teka and other BYOND volunteers who coddle game makers and allow ripped games (And not games just being suspected of being ripped but that could be proven as being ripped) to be listed or given a fan-game status as long as they change the outward appearance of the game. Because all that does is continue this thought process that it is alright to rip as long as you change some icons and add a little of your own coding or remap so it looks a little different but in reality it is the same. I have nothing against Teka of course, just that if I worked hard on a project and some how its source or icons or music or whatever got released without my permission Or what have you, I would like to be safe in the knowledge that some asshole couldn't get there hands on it and change it slightly and still call it there own. |
In order for it to be original, you'd basically have to make it so that there's no possible way at all to identify it with any other source. Changing the map, and editing a lot wont make it not a rip, it makes it a revised rip.
Basically, you'd be better off starting off from scratch. GOA was a rip; it took about a year and a half for it to become original, whereas if it was built from scratch it would've taken less time (probably a =lot= less) |
LordAndrew wrote:
+1 Seriously, if you want to make a game. Program it from scratch. Don't use buggy sources. |
I already raged about this on another thread, and I am not going to rant again... I hope.
You can't make anything that is a rip, original. No. way. If you have anything to say against that, don't. Why? Because you're wrong... [just] wrong. So wrong that you're drowning in the sea of wrong and I am on the boat of Right waiting to save you if you can realize how impossible it is.