I used to play Roblox until one day the ROblox Staff had decide that people whom have Builders Club Memebership could only play it! Then everyone including me whom didn't have BC Memebership whom couldn't afford it cause the money it costs. Then couldn't play it anymore. Ever since that day. I then decided that forget Roblox, because I'm going to go to another online game that maybe is better. So I did that day. I went to Google and looked for any free online games and then that when i saw BYOND and i click it and I'd made a accout called Darkzero123. Then I decide I'm going to live here forever in BYOND. So yes I'm a Roblox immigrant whom came to BYOND for a better life. I do although miss the days when I first play my first game in Roblox and it was Crossroads. The first classic game made in Roblox that i enjoy playing. I rememeber as only if it was only just yesterday. I even cry in my own sleep about wanting to play Roblox again.
I also was once a member of the most popluar group in Roblox too. I was a memeber of the famous group called FEAR. I remember it's leader of that group named XxSonictheHedgehogxX, had always gotten banned everyday because he'd did stipuid stuff. I do remember meeting one of the staff named Telamon in his own game called Fights on the Heights. I also met Sonic's cousin account in Five Star Island Resort.
From Lego knockoff to the anime ghetto. You've really stepped up in the world.
In response to LordAndrew
yep you got that right. I also loved one game called Build the World made by Cowkiller. I always build the famous cities in the world like Rio de Junerio and New York City and Tokyo, Paris, Rome, Berlin, London and Bejing and Seoul. I love those games that where made by Amazeman and Cowkiller. I love the game also made by COwkiller called the Day after Torrommow world map based on the movie. NAd i build mexico huge for American and Canadian immigrants to live because most of North America has a huge glacier. That was another favorite game too> I also loved to play those Surive a Plane Crash games too. I loved the game Work at Pizza Place and the games they called obbies.
In response to Darkzero123
Does anyone here once and used to play Roblox? If so I'm not alone in BYOND.
In response to Darkzero123
I do and did and will