
This is a rip of naruto izou, with no permission whatsoever from XZDog, yet it is listed when you search Naruto

This game has permission from XZDog and a bunch of the pixel artists from Naruto Izou, yet it is not listed.
The only thing I wish to know is why people are still Fan-Girling Naruto. Seriously. It wasn't even cool when it first came out, why would it be cool 10 years later?
In response to Solomn Architect
Solomn Architect wrote:
The only thing I wish to know is why people are still Fan-Girling Naruto. Seriously. It wasn't even cool when it first came out, why would it be cool 10 years later?

Explain that to those f**s who play CS or CoD since very first version.
In response to Zaoshi
Call of Duty is actually a very good game series. They involve cinematic story elements and a "Fight for your life" style of game play. The multiplayer could use some improvement, but bad matches occur on any game. However I digress.

As for the games not being listed, I believe every game is filtered by the discretion of each person handling the status of it at that moment. Some will be fine with allowing it up while the ones who would rather not see another Naruto game on BYOND hide the atrocity from the listings and keep it as far from the general public as humanly possible.
In response to Solomn Architect
Sorry for misunderstanding. I did mean CoD Multiplayer. It hasn't changed at all through few different CoD games.
In response to Solomn Architect
Solomn Architect wrote:
Call of Duty is actually a very good game series. They involve cinematic story elements and a "Fight for your life" style of game play. The multiplayer could use some improvement, but bad matches occur on any game. However I digress.

Correction, Call of Duty is a decent game that gets regular visual touch-ups and new maps.
In response to Robertbanks2
I'm not sure what you mean. The story mode has always been my favorite. The way they present it is always cinematic an gives it an epic feel. Like I said, the multiplayer does need a lot of work, but given the fact that very few games have presented a story in such a manner, Call of Duty really is a pulse pounding title.
In response to Solomn Architect
Solomn Architect wrote:
I'm not sure what you mean. The story mode has always been my favorite. The way they present it is always cinematic an gives it an epic feel. Like I said, the multiplayer does need a lot of work, but given the fact that very few games have presented a story in such a manner, Call of Duty really is a pulse pounding title.

People like what appeals to them. Naruto appeals to them just like CoD appeals to you. Don't bash people for liking what you don't. Unless they like Justin Beiber =/
In response to Enzuigiri
The point of my argument wasn't to bash those who like Naruto. I'll admit that when it first came out (When I was like 12) It was one of the coolest shows I had seen. But, the amount of Naruto Games and BYOND and the amount of people who STILL want to make Naruto Games on BYOND is completely ridiculous! It's as if these children believe that their Naruto Game will rise above the rest and be the best or something. Which the best Naruto Game is still worse than most of the Original Games.

At any rate, the only Naruto Game I've seen to break the mold of bad Naruto's on BYOND, was a trailer about a sidescroller Naruto fighting game. Please don't crucify me because I cannot for the life of me remember the bloody name. But to me, this game actually looks Good! And Playable! Which is why I'm actually excited to see it come out.
In response to Solomn Architect
So Naruto fans can't exist but you can pop stiffies over CoD why?
In response to Moonlight Memento
Because CoD isn't crappy PBAGS PBAGS PBAGS etc.

It's an actual good game, as opposed to the terrible NARTO games on BYOND.
In response to Solomn Architect
So you don't like Naruto because it's the equivalent of BYOND's mainstream. Hmm... Sounds familiar...

In response to Duelmaster409
I despise no Genre of game. I only hate those games whom are not entertaining to play for even the first few minutes. If a game can hold my attention for more than 10 minutes, I consider it promising. If a game can actually capture me and immerse me into the experience, I consider it very well done. CoD is a great game title, no amount of haters can deny that. But it just doesn't hold me. Naruto games have so much more going for them than the bad reputation thus far. If someone would at least try to make a decent BYOND Naruto Game, I'll have faith in the genre. UNTIL THAT TIME However, I will continue to ignore the current Naruto games and choose not to acknowledge them at decent projects in the least.

At this time, I would like to deffer this current altercation to Rule 25, "Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post."
In response to El Wookie
Who said CoD isn't crappy and repetitive?

Why are you allowed to judge Naruto (games/anime), but CoD is perfect in all ways?
In response to Solomn Architect
Why is CoD great but Naruto is terrible? Hypocrisy at it's finest.

[x] franchise is better than [x] franchise BECAUSE IT IS!
In response to Moonlight Memento
Multiplayer is definitely repetitive and crappy. In my opinion CoD is CS + BF; pointless, mindless, retarded shooting from CS, and "class" system along with single aircraft (helicopter) from BF.

Singleplayer might be interesting if you actually read the story, but without story it's no different from multiplayer, except you are told who and when to shoot.
In response to Moonlight Memento
I never said it wasn't repetitive, but you got the right word with 'crappy', CoD is made by a professional studio and is not crappy. NARTOLOL games on BYOND are different.
In response to Moonlight Memento
Nobody ever said this and I keep not saying this. Call of Duty is (opinionatedly) not better than Nartuo.

Call of Duty will always, always be better than the trash Naruto on BYOND, however.