How to make a multiple login screen
I am currently trying to figure out how to make a login where I can use multiple graphical images... like for instance say I have a picture of a bird(with a new, load, and delete buttons on it), a picture of a man(same thing new, load, delete) and a picture of a dog(same things new load delete) how do I automaticly randomize it every time a person logs in? like switch it between the 3 everytime someone logs in. (Login it shows the man login screen... logout...relog it might show the bird this time or maybe the dog login screen... relog basically repeat cycle)
I tried doing this
mob Login() src.welcome()
mob proc welcome() PFP switch(alert(src,"Welcome to Title name","Title Name","Adventure Mode","Extras")) if("Adventure Mode") var/random = rand(1,3) if(random == 1) usr.loc=locate(100,43,2) if(random == 2) usr.loc=locate(91,171,2) if(random == 3) usr.loc=locate(165,47,2) if("Extras") alert(src,"Sorry, there are currently no bonus material to be reviewed at this time") goto PFP
I tried doing something like this but it didn't work sadly. Can someone explain to me in a different way on how to accomplish this? Please and Thanks