I haven't posted in a while and the reason for this is because if I'm not inspired to post, then I won't. My curiosity is the cause of the first question.

Q.1: What kind of shoes do you wear? (I'm not talking dress/fancy shoes, I mean the ones you walk around in)

I wear Nikes or Converse. They look nice and they last me a long time.

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Q.2: For those of you who play video games, what did you think of the recent RPG Ni No Kuni?

I'm currently in the 5th or 6th town/city/whatever 35 hours into the game (this includes grinding) and I'm enjoying it so far. The thing that raises the question is I've heard from a lot of forums that people really disliked it. I want to know BYOND's opinion.
MagmaDino wrote:
Q.1: What kind of shoes do you wear? (I'm not talking dress/fancy shoes, I mean the ones you walk around in)

The cheapest thing Walmart has that'll fit me.

Q.2: For those of you who play video games, what did you think of the recent RPG Ni No Kuni?

Never heard of it.

MagmaDino wrote:
I haven't posted in a while and the reason for this is because if I'm not inspired to post, then I won't. My curiosity is the cause of the first question.

Q.1: What kind of shoes do you wear? (I'm not talking dress/fancy shoes, I mean the ones you walk around in)


Being Barker, they call them something different to what they did when I got them like 5 years ago, seen as they basically just put out the same shoe designs every year. I have two pairs I rotate use of each day, gives the leather time to dry and rest, keeps it in much better condition.
In response to Stephen001
Those aren't burberry.

these adidas neo make you feel some type of way

and yes those are ancient beige dbl pro speakers from the 1980s or something to the left

and yes thats the mic to my steel series siberia sticking up to the right

Classic Converse All Stars:
I see our game of "Spot the stereotypically British person" is going well so far.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
MagmaDino wrote:
Q.1: What kind of shoes do you wear? (I'm not talking dress/fancy shoes, I mean the ones you walk around in)

The cheapest thing Walmart has that'll fit me.

Q.2: For those of you who play video games, what did you think of the recent RPG Ni No Kuni?

Never heard of it.

This for me too, on both questions.

Though, I can no longer buy my shoes at Wal*Mart, as my Wal*Mart almost never has my size 13-to-14 extra-wide. So, my answer is slightly adjusted to "The cheapest thing any of the local shoe stores has that'll fit me."

Oh, and the darker the color, the better. I hate flashy, bright shoes (well, flashy bright anything... I mostly wear blue jeans and dark t-shirts). Black is preferable, with as few stripes and whatnot as possible.

Currently, that is a pair of Skechers.

I can't find an exact match, but they're something about like this:

Shoes (well, my wardrobe in general) is incredibly and shockingly unimportant to me, shoes especially. I view shoes as nothing more than a utility. I simply can't walk around barefoot, so I only own shoes because I need them. They're only there to keep my tender feet off of the sharp

I also only own/wear one pair at a time (sometimes, the previously "retired" pair will hang around to wear to mow the lawn or whatnot). I have a dressier pair (not anything fancy; just a plain black pair that I can pull out and dust off for funerals or weddings), but I don't count those, because I wear them maybe once a year.

People that are "into" shoes fascinate me. I once watched a group of high school kids hanging out around the window of a shoe store, drooling over the newest displays, and it boggled my mind.
MagmaDino wrote:
Q.1: What kind of shoes do you wear? (I'm not talking dress/fancy shoes, I mean the ones you walk around in)
Airwalks are some of the most comfortable trainers I've worn for day-to-day stuff. Not fussy on the colour, but I usually go for dark ones.
MagmaDino wrote:
Q.2: For those of you who play video games, what did you think of the recent RPG Ni No Kuni?
Never heard of it before.

I'm not really 'into' shoes, per-say. But I found myself spending say ... $50 or so every 6 months, on shoes that got pretty wrecked (and also, uncomfortable), and then needed more formal shoes for work in addition to that.

As it turned out for me, spending like $600 on two pairs of good (and incidentally, handmade, but you know, not a requirement) formal shoes and just incorporating that into my day-to-day style ended up cheaper, smarter blah blah. And generally about as comfortable, I found.

I mostly picked that up from working at an alright shoe shop for a year or so (where I also got said shoes on discount, so awwww yisssss), that men can basically make two pairs of good lacquered leather formal shoes last easily 5 - 10 years depending on shoe-care, by rotating the pairs each day. Plus, I'm never short of receiving of positive remark on them, and I have to admit, they do provide a bit of confidence boost and make me feel good too.
Well yeah, I can see the difference of wanting (and being willing to pay for) something of quality because it lasts longer and looks better (two things that aren't really important to me; or I'd be buying higher quality/more expensive shoes)

I mean the people that are seemingly obsessed with shoes. The people who follow shoe "news", get excited that the new Jordan's are coming out, own dozens of pairs (some of which are just collector shoes, and are never taken out of the box!), etc. etc.

Not that there's anything wrong with any of that (to each their own), I just can't even begin to understand it.

[Edit:] Even more bizarre to me is the level of anger some people will rise to over something so meaningless as getting dirt/scuffs on their shoes. People have been killed over such "slights" as accidentally stepping on someone else's shoe. Why?? They are just shoes... Something that by its very nature is going to get dirty and scuffed up. get over it.
Ahhhh yes, that.

Well, the anger / slighting stuff is basically a whole status symbol on steroids problem, and I suspect, is the direction we're all heading, socially (just presumably without the murder bit). The shoe becomes a 'defining' extension of one's own image, and image becomes of such value that slights (intended or not) are tantamount to attacks. Only the unhinged will actually go kill someone over that, but the sentiment I suspect, has grown and become more accepted, particularly in some specific circles where status and reputation seems to be king (here's to you, 'ghetto' neighbourhoods).

The obsession and collection of, though, isn't really all that different to my affiliation with plastic crack ... I mean, Gunpla. Although obviously, one is a fair bit more socially accepted and 'cool' than the other. Probably again, because of status. Don't see many trashy magazines agonising over paparazzi shots of some celebrity's new gundam model purchase.
In response to Stephen001
Stephen001 wrote:
Ahhhh yes, that.

Well, the anger / slighting stuff is basically a whole status symbol on steroids problem, and I suspect, is the direction we're all heading, socially (just presumably without the murder bit). The shoe becomes a 'defining' extension of one's own image, and image becomes of such value that slights (intended or not) are tantamount to attacks. Only the unhinged will actually go kill someone over that, but the sentiment I suspect, has grown and become more accepted, particularly in some specific circles where status and reputation seems to be king (here's to you, 'ghetto' neighbourhoods).

Exactly. I guess I should say that I understand it intellectually, I'm just incapable of connecting to this sort of thinking emotionally. I can't even fathom caring so much about something so unimportant (to me) as my "image" in general, let alone through my clothing/shoes.

Of course, this also extends further. I don't understand why anyone really gets worked up over virtually any insult (whether real or merely perceived).

The obsession and collection of, though, isn't really all that different to my affiliation with plastic crack ... I mean, Gunpla. Although obviously, one is a fair bit more socially accepted and 'cool' than the other. Probably again, because of status. Don't see many trashy magazines agonising over paparazzi shots of some celebrity's new gundam model purchase.

Well, yeah, I can certainly understand the collector's mindset. I suppose it just boils down to the fact that I've never thought of shoes as "cool", and therefore, not worth collecting. But again, to each his own.
Well when I grew up if you weren't wearing Nike, Adidas, or Jordans you were made fun of. I went into middle school not knowing this because my parents never shopped out of Foot Locker, just out of Payless. So I stepped foot in class with some Shaqs on and I got a nice earful. "LOOK AT DAT NIGGA SHOES!", "DID HE REALLY JUST COME IN HERE WIT SOME 20 DOLLA SHAQS ON?!?!", comments like that. Good thing my Mom didn't raise me to be one of those suicidal thin-skinned emo kids or I would've killed myself. People would talk about your shoes before ANYTHING else, you could have on a raggedy T-shirt, pants with a hole in it, and a jacket that was too small, but as long as you had on a fresh pair of Air Force Ones, you were good to go.

You have your collectors and then you have people who simply need the shoes to feel good about themselves. A lot of men lack, say, a sense of humor, or good looks, so they find other ways to impress women which is usually through money. They find an expensive car and wear expensive clothes hoping women will overlook their other short-comings because of their perceived financial status. GOOD THING BOTH MY PARENTS WERE ATTRACTIVE AND HAD A SENSE OF HUMOR, I CAN BE BROKE AND STILL GET TEH GURLZ.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Well when I grew up if you weren't wearing Nike, Adidas, or Jordans you were made fun of. I went into middle school not knowing this because my parents never shopped out of Foot Locker, just out of Payless. So I stepped foot in class with some Shaqs on and I got a nice earful. "LOOK AT DAT NIGGA SHOES!", "DID HE REALLY JUST COME IN HERE WIT SOME 20 DOLLA SHAQS ON?!?!", comments like that. Good thing my Mom didn't raise me to be one of those suicidal thin-skinned emo kids or I would've killed myself. People would talk about your shoes before ANYTHING else, you could have on a raggedy T-shirt, pants with a hole in it, and a jacket that was too small, but as long as you had on a fresh pair of Air Force Ones, you were good to go.

You have your collectors and then you have people who simply need the shoes to feel good about themselves. A lot of men lack, say, a sense of humor, or good looks, so they find other ways to impress women which is usually through money. They find an expensive car and wear expensive clothes hoping women will overlook their other short-comings because of their perceived financial status.

In response to King_LiOnZ
King_LiOnZ wrote:
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Well when I grew up if you weren't wearing Nike, Adidas, or Jordans you were made fun of. I went into middle school not knowing this because my parents never shopped out of Foot Locker, just out of Payless. So I stepped foot in class with some Shaqs on and I got a nice earful. "LOOK AT DAT NIGGA SHOES!", "DID HE REALLY JUST COME IN HERE WIT SOME 20 DOLLA SHAQS ON?!?!", comments like that. Good thing my Mom didn't raise me to be one of those suicidal thin-skinned emo kids or I would've killed myself. People would talk about your shoes before ANYTHING else, you could have on a raggedy T-shirt, pants with a hole in it, and a jacket that was too small, but as long as you had on a fresh pair of Air Force Ones, you were good to go.

You have your collectors and then you have people who simply need the shoes to feel good about themselves. A lot of men lack, say, a sense of humor, or good looks, so they find other ways to impress women which is usually through money. They find an expensive car and wear expensive clothes hoping women will overlook their other short-comings because of their perceived financial status.


Back in elementary I used to get the logos mixed up. I thought the logo with the man dunking was Jordan and the other one was Shaq, so I asked for the Shaqs thinking I was getting the more popular Jordan shoe.
In response to EmpirezTeam
In response to Jittai
Jittai wrote:

mine looked even worse than that. i think they were all black with just a little white shaq logo in the back.