Dariuc: Statistically speaking it's impossible for there not to be a God in the universe, since, people scattered across the earth from the beginning of time have always believed in something they cannot see.
Stopped reading at that point, your writing is clunky and unorganized + the content is really fallacious.
I didn't say ask yourself.
I said ask God. You assume things because you want to argue. I don't go to church, haven't been in some 20+ odd years.(funerals don't count) Jesus was crucified by churches and religious people, church does not equal = good, in fact most churches are corrupt- it even says so in the bible. If you can't explain something simply, you don't know it as well as you thought. Half the things I could go into detail to explain to you, you probably wouldn't be able to follow(because I think about things from many, many different angles before I speak-usually), so it doesn't matter if I say it or not in a way that is simple or complex. I'm still not following why we are still having a discussion about this. you seem to think I'm a bible thumper, yet I've already said 3 times now- "Do what you want." and "If you want to knwo if God is real- ask him." *shrug* |
I managed to get a hold of God, he said "niggas b cray cray" and then left his phone off the stand (accidentally?) and started loudly laughing at what I think was Honey Boo Boo.
Jittai wrote:
I managed to get a hold of God, he said "niggas b cray cray" and then left his phone off the stand (accidentally?) and started loudly laughing at what I think was Honey Boo Boo. so who was phone |
I don't believe in Darwinism.
Human anatomy doesn't support it on a basic level. Humans take vitamins in order to grow for example, but alot of vitamins are metals, and rocks. The same thing that the bible says "people" are made out of. So...yea. Science itself supports a theory that all molecules are made up of one substance, just composed in many, many different configurations. Programming does too. Bits, on, off, two combinations, Something and nothing, endlessly used to create a symphany of infinite possibilities. Fibonacchi's spiral. There's literally much, much more evidence to suggest that God exists than there is to support he does not. What you are saying is like saying that the Mayans didn't exist because there are none-- even though people found ruins and cities. But I digress. You guys are making a key mistake here. I am not out to prove anything to you, I don't have to. In fact , you're all deflecting which was my original point. Why are you afraid of asking for an answer? Why ask me? Because you're predisposed to think that I will falter in my logics, so you can justify your reason to "not" believe. Sigh. LoL |
You're entitled to your own opinion but don't be ignorant.
After all,Gallileo was imprisoned by a church for believing the world was round in a time when the majority thought otherwise,but he was right and because he was right he was persecuted and exiled to his own home. Christopher Columbus was supposed to "sail off the edge of the map", but, of course he was not wrong there was something out there. Arguing about scientific proofs to validate unknowns is the very bane of science in itself. Snyde remarks and witty retorts don't really mean anything. Truth is truth, no matter how you try to bend it around your agenda. |
No. Gallileo was not imprisoned for that- he was forced into silence for writing a book describing how the solar-system was solar-centric and not revolving around the earth. Also he was under house arrest.
Christopher Columbus did not prove the world was round- the globe was invented hundreds of years before CC was even born. Columbus set off to find a new trade route- then upon fucking it up royally, and almost getting thrown over board via mutiny, he wrote letters back to the King/Queen straight out LYING claiming the natives were dressed from head to toe in gold and that the new world was a paradise. You can literally find his letters and diary. You sound pretty ignorant talking down to others when you don't even know common knowledge. You claim to be a deep thinker but all your points are extremely shallow and flashy. |
After all,Gallileo was imprisoned by a church for believing the world was round in a time when the majority thought otherwise,but he was right and because he was right he was persecuted and exiled to his own home. Christopher Columbus was supposed to "sail off the edge of the map", but, of course he was not wrong there was something out there. Neither of these is historically true. We knew the world was round for over a thousand years before Columbus sailed the atlantic. We just didn't know how large the new land to the west was, or who lived there. Largely, we knew there was land west of europe from ancient sea charts, we just weren't sure if it was an entire continent, or just some uninhabited shoals. Columbus thought he could find a shorter way to Asia than circumnavigating the african coast. He was completely wrong. Church doctrine dictated that the world was flat, and was placed atop a sea of aether, upon which a firmament was established at the four corners. What Gallileo was persecuted for, was questioning the official doctrine of the inquisition. He supported Copernicanism and argued for independent verification using observational rigor. The church was in the process of rejecting geocentrism at the time as a matter of doctrine, however, they would not allow themselves to be seen as able to be questioned on matters of fact by means that did not adhere to church doctrine and censor, I.E. independent observation. |
I understand that you aren't trying to convert me, i'm demonstrating why what you are saying doesn't make any sense, for your own good. People aren't saying you have no point because they don't understand you, its because they do understand you, from what is actually legible of your ramblings.
The question you just posed is extremely fallacious. You say if you want to know if god is real, ask him. How can you ask something that isn't real, are you real? You are assuming gods existence before you even pose the question, so you've answered your own dilemma, no god required. If he is there to ask, there isn't really a question is there? |
What gauge of devoutness.
My alignment is with what is right. Treat others like I'd want to be treated and show others the same respect and love that you show yourself. That's the general message. And yes, God exists, that is a truth for me. I see what you're trying to get at, but you aren't really baiting me into saying something that can be used against me. I'll go ahead and say it again, perception is reality. Two people could be in the same room, under the same conditions and experience totally different things. Following that notion you could say "God could not exist". And that would be partially true. But what if, *gasp* you just didn't notice? Everytime I've ever asked for anything, I've gotten an answer. It's either "Yes" and I get it. "No" and I didn't or "Not right now." And I get it later. What I'm hinting at is that just because "you" don't understand, and just because "you" don't get it, it's mighty presumptuous of you and rather ignorant to tell me I'm stupid, or wrong. That would be like me saying "Yea He exists and you're all going to hell"- you know like "christians" do often times. God is truth, as I said you can't bend truth or alter it, you can try to lie, or hide it- or hide from it but it endures. Perfect example. If today, all technology was erased from the earth, people would literally fall into chaos. But why is that? It's because they've used so many distractions to keep their eyes averted from the truth of the world, that goes on everyday around us--yet we ignore. So like I said way earlier- 3-4 people on the band wagon of "oh you're crazy" holds exactly no weight-whatsoever in this conversation. In fact, science and history even prove that the people who are so ready to condemn and or otherwise slander or make fun of others are usually the ignorant ones. So I'm confused why we are still having conversations like this. Go ask or don't. You aren't gonna get from me anything you got from guy X. I'm not here to make you feel better or validate your beliefs or disbeliefs and you shouldn't need someone to be "that guy". Use your own mind and make an informed decision after you decide you want to actually take it seriously enough to see what the truth of the universe is. |
Boxcar wrote:
The question you just posed is extremely fallacious. You say if you want to know if god is real, ask him. How can you ask something that isn't real, are you real? Good question. Some people argue that life is simply a dream and death is the waking. You seem to think you've hinged onto something but like I told you before, your understanding of reality is what is flawed. You believe that fact is the only type of reality , things that you can see, or others have witnessed. Yet, it's also hypocritical- because you yourself rely on things "known as fact" that other people have simply investigated. Experiences can vary depending on the person, that doesn't mean person A is wrong, it simply means one of them missed something the other didn't or interpreted it in a different way. |
Right, and here this goes. Someone who comes along and snipes at facts as if that's supposed to deflate my arguement.
That would work, if I was arguing. That would work, if I was trying to force knowledge or ideals upon you. Never have, never was. Instead what I do see are people who are so incessantly adamant that they believe something doesn't exist, they are willing to bend their words to say whatever they can to win an imaginary arguement. Good try though. |
I understand everything you're saying, I just don't agree with how you got to your conclusion. You're not a deep thinker, and you're not blowin' my mind.
You're pretty much saying, "I believe in god, if you want to as well just do it- by the way he is real cause I think so. Also here's some really fallacious facts about the world." Also, "right" isn't a religious alignment. Do you not support, abortion, gay marriage, women equality, etc. Honestly, you answer half this shit hostile and subversively, and then get offended when people just ask simple questions. edit: By the way, informing you that your facts, which aren't small since you used them as a backing point, are massively erroneous isn't trying to deflate anything- it's informing you that you're massively erroneous. |
Dariuc wrote:
That would work, if I was arguing. And on this, I call bullcrap. Those things are exactly what your words from the very first post have been doing. |
This has all been fun or whatever but to be honest it's just more of the same.
Like I said, maybe you just don't get what I'm saying. I might ramble, but that really just means I'm condensing. There's really no pleasing you people so there's no point in me attempting to. If I tell you everything I think, you say it's "too long", if I don't say enough you just assume it's a shallow thought and try to think your way into finding holes in it. And all this would be fascinating if it were ever an arguement. Truth remains, if you want to know just ask. I'm done here. |
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Dariuc wrote:Really? So show me anywhere in this conversation where I specifically said "you're wrong I'm right" I'd like to see it. What I said was, most atheists I meet are angry people (just like everyone who has posted here, aggression and anger, even out right being rude so you really can't dispute that when just about all of them proved my point) And that if you want to know- ask. I'm sorry if the truth of life displeases you but I'm not gonna sugar coat it. You're free to try it or not. Arguing with me isn't going to solve anything. And I'm just a man I don't claim to hold some great secret above any other man. Alls I know is reality. |
I also have to ask, if you know what you are saying is a logical fallacy, why keep repeating it? It usually means one of two things.
1) You only know talking points that have been fed to you.
2) You usually aren't "much more intellectually capable than most people you've ever met"