I have a fairly small playable map ready for when alpha testing begins, for the longest time I've actually be experimenting with different UI styles and deciding on how I want the user interface to work.
I have finally got the character handling completed and it is rather nice looking so far:

Loading one of my available characters.

A confirmation to make certain you actually wanted to delete a character.

A warning informing a user that the character was deleted.

The character creation.
I have a lot to talk about here, this is going to be a fairly large class-based RPG.
You will start as one of the four currently available classes and it branches off from there.
The currently listed classes from left to right are as follows:
Swordsman, Assassin, Hunter, and Empowered.
Each of these classes has four planned paths that can be followed providing different techniques.
The swordsman uses long swords & heavy armor, the assassin uses twin blades & medium armor, the hunter uses a variety of weapons (Bows, Crossbows, possibly guns.), and the last class "Empowered" use elemental, or mental style "ninja techniques" which are secret arts that have been passed down to them.
We are currently looking for help (mainly pixel artists, but ideas and testers are always welcome.)
If you would like more information feel free to contact me on the BYOND pager.
EDIT: I'd like to be a tester, do you have Skype?