Create a game using as many of the themes and sub themes as you can within the time allowed. The entry with the highest score wins.
Prize Pool:
Thanks to Ease.15$
Thanks to snyperwolf.20$
Currently 50$
# of Entrants Thus Far:
Higoten-Game Submitted
Rushnut & Taitz n/a
Flick n/a
Totally Unexpected n/a
Magnum2k n/a
Bumblemore n/a
Neo Berserker
Fruit By The Foot n/a
Total Entrants: 9
Game Entries : 8
Game On!
Official Timer
Choose from these themes for your game. The more themes and sub themes you can include the better your score will be.
3)Advanced Technology Civilization
4)Magic(anything magic related)
5)Supernatural(Ghosts Demons,etc)
6) Base your game off of the lyrics of a song.
7)A bible verse.
Use these in combination with the major themes.
1) Unity
2) Discord
3) Realization
4) Perception
5) Chaos
6) Creation
Your game will be judged in 3 areas.
Subject/Theme Inclusion: 0/50 points.
First your game will be graded on two scores. Each score has a maximum of 50 points.
The first 50 points are judged based on how many of the subjects and themes you can successfully translate into the game.
Overall Gameplay: 0/50 points.
The second 50 points judge the game itself. How well it's put together, mechanics, playability, everything. Games can be of any size or scope, there is no limitation or requirement in terms of how long the game is. It will be judged on a sense of "completeness" however so just keep that in mind.
Favorited: +10 points
Finally the judges are allowed to mark a single game as their top favorite, which will give it an additional 10 points to it's score.
All judges scores will be tallied and the scores will be posted here for everyone to see. Judges would be required to give a detailed account of why they believe the game got the scores it did and what they liked and didn't like about said game.
To recap if it sounds confusing. The maximum score a game can receive is 110 points. The score from each judge is added to a total for that game.
Game X : judge 1 60, judge 2 75, judge 3 100
Overall score for Game X: 235
Other Rules:
Breaking these means your game won't be eligible for winning the prize(s), you will still be ranked, however.
Teams are allowed, as is single player entries.
If you join a team you may also submit an entry of your own.
Games must be created from scratch/ground up. Libraries are allowed, pre-made artwork is allowed,but all other code must be created within the one week time frame.
No profanity included in the games.
No adult subject matter.
All submissions should be turned in within 2 hours after the contest's deadline or anytime before.
Falcon lazorz
All submissions should be turned in within 2 hours after the contest's deadline or anytime before.(This is due to slightly different time zones and meh, what's 2 hours?) Anything turned in after-wards will still be judged, it just won't be eligible for the prize(s).
Use sendspace or some other file upload service to upload your dmb and rsc files and e-mail the link to
IMPORTANT Include GIAW in the subject and write the names of yourself and teammates in the body of the email.
Prize distribution will be laid out within a few days, since there are still donations for the prize pool being taken at this time.
1st place- 50% of prize pool.
2nd place- 30% of prize pool.
3rd place- 20% of prize pool
Oh boo hoo I'm going to put "P.S willy" at the end of my credits just to spite you now.