I've lived all over. Kenya, Guatemala, Argentina. The latter of those was definitely the most first world of them all, the former the most third world.
Everything I said applies to Kenya. Most of what I said applies to Guatemala. Almost none of it applies to Argentina... depending on where you are. I've lived most of my life, and currently am living, in Wisconsin. Wisconsin: where's it's nice and cold and nothing interesting happens. Just how I like it. |
I hate when the British judge me cause I don't wear Burberry and have Balenciaga on my feet.
Mordasius wrote:
I just hate most Brits. Ey, lad, you want me 2 get my lads down from the chippie, we'll bang u out m8. Rushnut wrote: go to England on vacation with some friends |
I hate when I peel the cover off the yogurt, and you got all that mushiness bordering the yogurt like the fkn wall of china. Then for some odd reason I just go ahead and scoop the border with my fkn spoon and taste it.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
one day we noticed I went an entire year without needing the machine. Sure enough it was because my Dad had stopped smoking that year. I hated when my mom smoked, when I was a wee boy. She used to smoke in the car with me in the back. I remember trying to hold my breath when she would blow the smoke out, I would wait until the smoke cleared to breathe in. It was pretty hard to avoid it though...anyway maybe that's why I didn't need a machine... |
Mordasius wrote:
I hate people who are articulate, and intelligent deliberately acting stupid and using profanity excessively when they possess a vocabulary to hold a decent non-vulgar conversation. Look, guy; I'm sorry you don't like <shameless plug>my videos</shameless plug>, but I have a very legitimate reasoning behind that. As do most people that act the way they do. Though, some people don't have much of a excuse. Ask your local psychologist, pls. Kay.. My turn.. I hate people that tell you directly that they'll help with something, then ignore you until after they know you've finished or given up by that point, then offer to finally help. Big friend you are, bub. |
Hiro the Dragon King wrote:
Nobody capitalizes the 'S' in 'JavaScript'. who cares about javascript anymore its all bout dat html 5 get wit da program home skillet |
I think I might add "People that think that 'HTML5 programming' and Javascript are unrelated things".
You can't drink the water.
The showers are always cold, or nonexistent.
You can't flush the toilet paper.
You need to empty the dirty toilet paper trash.
Sometimes the toilet is just a filthy hole in the ground.
It's always so hot. Why are third world countries so hot?!
There's no AC to bear the heat.
You eat the same thing every day. Usually rice and beans. That's pretty universal.
A lot of times, everybody stinks.
You can't go out at night or you'll probably die.
You can't go out in the day or you'll probably be mugged.
(Both of these apply especially if you're white and clearly have something to lose.)
There's trash everywhere.
Nothing is sanitary.
Just to name a few.