This is the second of a few threads I'll be starting here that mimic threads of the same name in the forum.
So, post here about some little thing that you hate. I'll start.
I hate when my five year old step-daughter complains about food she's never eaten. Actually, I just hate it when anyone does that. Diversify your palate, you wanker.
![]() Aug 1 2013, 8:33 am
![]() Aug 1 2013, 8:37 am
You. =)
But then I lol'd.
I hate it when you get a pack of candy and there is only one piece of your favourite flavor. |
I hate people who are articulate, and intelligent deliberately acting stupid and using profanity excessively when they possess a vocabulary to hold a decent non-vulgar conversation.
Harboring and/or expressing feelings of hate is paradoxical and results in the stagnation of the human race.
We are all products of one, same consciousness that is experienced subjectively by different individuals. Thus, by hating another we hate ourselves. |
Fiverr. The stock photo dude from the fiverr advert that will 'make me a logo for $5' has a look of desperation in his eyes that suggests his life has gone down the toilet, and he wanted to be an actor or a model once.
I am, yes. To be honest, that's not like a particularly dislikeable thing as it goes. Just makes for humour as ex's have been 5' 6" - 5' 9".
I hate when I'm out in public some where and I see a parent smoking right next to their child.
I hate it a lot. |
Agreed. If someone wants to corrupt their lungs with cigarettes, no child should suffer as well or any non-smokers.
Too bad most children don't really understand how bad it is. I even remember when I was a child and my dad would smoke in the car, I actually enjoyed the smell of those Marlboro cigarettes. To this day, he still does it. |
I have a cousin who is pretty short, and she was complaining about it one day, and I told her that sometimes, being a little taller (I'm not very tall; just around 6', give or take an inch) isn't all it's cracked up to be.
For instance: -I have to duck a little when going up or down the stairs in my house (there's a spot a couple steps up, where the ceiling of the lower level transitions into a wall of the upper level, that's just *this much* too low; I have to be especially careful if I'm carrying one of my kids up or -I have to adjust the shower head up every time I get in the shower. -Speaking of bathroom fixtures, "regular" height toilets are just too short; I need the "chair" height. -Sufficient legroom in most cars is hard to come by (or headroom; I've been in several cars where my head brushed the ceiling). -I can't really stretch out laying on the average couch (or bed, for that matter; counting the pillow width, if I stretched out fully my feet would hang off). -Some wall mirrors that are hung at "eye level" are actually too low for me to see the top of my head. -With height usually comes larger feet. Size 13-14 extra wides are not exactly well stocked or of wide variety at most shoe stores. -Family/group photos are a pain in the ass. If I don't want to get cut off, I have to stoop. -There are some roller coasters that I don't even fit in (and I love roller coasters!) -Basically, the world in general is simply designed for an average height that is a few inches shorter than I am, so virtually everything is just a few inches too short (counter heights, vehicles, drinking fountains, ceiling fan pull chains/lights, etc.) And again, I'm not even that tall! I can't imagine what it would be like for anyone well above the 6' line. Heh, it's funny. I started out thinking this post was off-topic, but I suppose I just made a very on-topic list! lol |
Interestingly I bought a couch with a seating length of just a bit over 6', specifically for taller guests.
I hate when I take a nice warm shower, and I get out and the bathroom mirror is all fogged up. Then I have to take some toilet tissue and try and wipe it off, but it still doesn't make the entire mirror clear, only certain parts. So I have to position my head to be directly in front of the one little part that's not still blurry so I can see my face. And God forbid some of the water from the shower gets on said toilet paper, because then it gets moist and soft and when I go to wipe the fog off, the toilet paper just breaks into pieces across the mirror making the situation even worse.
What did I do to deserve this life? Oh yeah and Jay Z's new album. Holy Grail is just awful. The problem with rappers like Jay Z is that they did so good in the past that everyone, including me, expects a certain level of quality from them, and when they release an album as wack as Holy Grail it's just a huge let down since we know what Jay Z is capable of, yet he gives us this pitiful excuse for an album and has the nerve in one of the songs to call himself "a god". You're not a god when you have songs on your album that sound like songs 2 Chainz could've come up with. |
Magnum2k wrote:
I hate when I'm out in public some where and I see a parent smoking right next to their child. I hate it even more than you since as a little kid I had to use this little breathing machine thing that blew like, medicine into my lungs to clear the phlegm or whatever was giving me trouble breathing. I would have a whooping cough and issues breathing and we didn't know what was causing it until one day we noticed I went an entire year without needing the machine. Sure enough it was because my Dad had stopped smoking that year. This was back when a lot people still weren't informed about "2nd hand smoke" - we were still under the impression that smoke only affected the person smoking the cigarette, not everyone around them. Nowadays however, 2nd hand smoke has been talked about so much that ignorance is no longer an excuse. If you're still smoking around other people who don't smoke you're just being a lazy prick at that point. It doesn't take too much effort to go sit outside on your porch whenever you want to light up a cancer stick. |