(See the best response by DarkCampainger.)
We've been having an issue with the game we run showing up on the hub. The host is currently not hiding it, or doing anything that should cause it to not show up. You can connect to it by "Go To Location" and typing in the url, but it doesn't show up on the hub as active. Does anyone know what's going on, or how I could fix it?

Hub Link:
Are you sure you have the world.hub and world.hub_password variables defined and associated with the hub properly?

And that world.visibility is set to 1?
Yeah. It used to show up just fine. I don't know what happened. A couple weeks ago it just went under the radar. :/
Best response
But it shows up when you host it?

Does your host have the BYOND pager running, and does it contact the hub successfully?

What version of BYOND is your host running?

If they're running the game in Dream Daemon, do they get a little "BYOND hub reports port ____ can be reached by players"?
the same is happening with our game
you could always try to rename the hub password. if your hub password is "candy" and someone else makes one named "candy" they might interfere with each other?
In response to Cassidyx15
Cassidyx15 wrote:
you could always try to rename the hub password. if your hub password is "candy" and someone else makes one named "candy" they might interfere with each other?

Nope, they won't. Although the hub password in the game executable and the hub entry do need to match (he says it works for him, so I doubt that's the issue)